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A Community of Organizations Supporting Turf Industry Professionals
The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management Program is proud to be part of a community that works for the advancement of the green industry and supports individuals working in golf course, sports turf, grounds management, and landscape management positions.
In addition to our partnership with the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science, we have cultivated strong relationships with several other professional and industry organizations. We use these connections to promote and strengthen our programs, recruit new students, and stay connected with our alumni.
Whether you are considering earning a turfgrass management certificate from Rutgers, are currently enrolled in one of our programs, or are a Rutgers alumnus, we encourage you to visit the websites below and seek out opportunities to get involved with these organizations in order to grow your career!
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America is the professional association for the men and women who manage and maintain golf courses. Its mission is to serve its members, advance their profession, and improve communities through the enjoyment, growth, and vitality of the game of golf.
New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association (NJLCA)
The New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association is a a community of green industry professionals who are dedicated to advancing the integrity, proficiency, and continued growth of the landscape industry through education, training, and legislative advocacy.
New Jersey Turfgrass Association (NJTA)
The New Jersey Turfgrass Association’s mission is to promote the turfgrass industry and enhance the environment through education, professionalism, leadership, and its partnership with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Sports Field Managers Association of New Jersey (SFMANJ)
The Sports Field Managers Association of New Jersey is committed to enhancing the professionalism of athletic field managers and improving the safety, playability, and appearance of athletic fields at all levels.
TurfNet is an online community for golf course maintenance professionals to network, exchange information, solve problems, and more.