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Course Details
Course Name: CORE Basic Pesticide Training Course (English Instruction ONLY)
Course Code: AE0801CG25
Date of Most Recent Offering: March 19, 2025
Course Overview
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El Programa de Capacitación Básica de la Oficina de Educación Profesional Continua (OCPE) de Rutgers/NJAES es el primer paso en la capacitación para las personas interesadas en convertirse en operadores y/o aplicadores de control de plagas con licencia de Nueva Jersey. Este curso cumple con el requisito de Nueva Jersey de asistir a un curso básico de capacitación sobre pesticidas para los nuevos solicitantes que buscan obtener una licencia estatal.
Los temas cubiertos durante este curso incluyen:
- Leyes federales de pesticidas;
- la Ley de Control de Pesticidas de Nueva Jersey;
- ¿Qué es el Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP)?
- Los peligros de los pesticidas y cómo minimizarlos;
- Manipulación, almacenamiento y eliminación adecuados de plaguicidas; y
- Tipos de equipos de aplicación y uso.
IMPORTANTE: Este NO es el examen CORE. Este es un curso de formación. Debe registrarse para el examen por separado a través del sistema de registro de examen de certificación de aplicador de pesticidas de Rutgers (PACER). Visite para obtener más información.
Acerca del Programa de Licencias de Pesticidas del NJDEP
Las reglamentaciones del Programa de Control de Pesticidas (PCP) del Departamento de Protección Ambiental de Nueva Jersey (NJDEP) contienen información sobre los requisitos de capacitación para los nuevos (nunca licenciados) aplicadores y/u operadores comerciales, así como los requisitos para las personas con licencia actual y las que no lo han hecho. mantuvo su licencia. Según estas reglamentaciones, un nuevo aplicador u operador comercial debe asistir a un curso básico de capacitación sobre pesticidas aprobado por PCP (como este curso básico) y completar cuarenta (40) horas de capacitación en el trabajo en las funciones y operaciones asociadas con la categoría. de licencia que el individuo está tratando de obtener. La recertificación de un aplicador/operador comercial de pesticidas de New Jersey actualmente con licencia se mantiene completando los cursos de recertificación tanto en Core (ocho unidades) como en la categoría para la que se está recertificando (dieciséis unidades) dentro de un período de cinco años.
Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de capacitación para aplicadores de pesticidas, visite el sitio web de la Oficina de Manejo de Plagas de Rutgers NJAES en
¿Quién debe asistir?
Este curso está destinado a los aspirantes a aplicadores y operadores de pesticidas con licencia de NJ que buscan cumplir con el requisito básico del curso de capacitación sobre pesticidas.
Conozca a au Instructor Pedro Perdomo
Con 30 años de experiencia trabajando con pesticidas tanto en el gobierno como en la industria publica, Pedro Perdomo comparte sus conocimientos e ideas enseñando para la Universidad de Rutgers.
The Rutgers NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education’s (OCPE) Core Training Program is the first step in training for individuals interested in becoming a licensed New Jersey pest control operator and/or applicator. This course satisfies New Jersey’s requirement of attending a basic pesticide training course for new applicants seeking to gain a state license.
Topics covered during this course include:
- Federal pesticide laws;
- The New Jersey Pesticide Control Act;
- What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?
- Pesticide hazards and how to minimize them;
- Proper handling, storage, and disposal of pesticides; and
- Types of application equipment and use.
IMPORTANT: This is NOT the CORE exam. This is a training course. You must register for the exam separately through the Rutgers Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam Registration (PACER) system. Visit for more information.
About the NJDEP Pesticide Licensing Program
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Pesticide Control Program (PCP) regulations contain information on the training requirements for new (never licensed) commercial applicators and/or operators, as well as the requirements for currently licensed persons and those who have not maintained their license.
- Under these regulations, a new commercial applicator or operator must attend a PCP-approved basic pesticide training course (such as this Core course) and complete forty (40) hours of on-the-job training in the functions and operations associated with the category of license the individual is seeking to obtain.
- Recertification of a currently-licensed New Jersey commercial pesticide applicator/ operator is maintained by completing recertification courses in Core (eight units needed) and in the category being recertified for (sixteen units needed) within a five-year period.
For more information on pesticide applicator training requirements, please visit the Rutgers NJAES Pest Management Office website at
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for aspiring NJ licensed pesticide applicators and operators seeking to fulfill the basic pesticide training course requirement.
Meet Your Instructor
English Courses
Mike Reed
Mike is Director of Technical Sales and Education for Synatek Solutions and Branch Creek Organics privately held companies, specializing in Turf and Ornamental technologies. His focus is working with companies to find and develop regenerative and sustainable pesticides, bio-stimulants and fertilizers. He is known for his interactive, engaging and real-world presentation style. Mike has taught re-certification classes in 17 different states and holds 5 different pesticide category certifications.
Student Reviews
“Dr. Hamilton presented the material clearly and explained it well, providing good examples, references, photographs, and videos.”
– Past Participant
“All of the laws and regulations are laid out clearly, and there is great practical advice for storage, labeling, PPE, disposal, etc.”
– Past Participant
“For me, I found the entire course very useful! Everything covered in this course is extremely important!”
– Past Participant
Continuing Education Credits
The most recent offering of the CORE Basic Pesticide Training Program was approved for the following credits. We will reapply for similar credits the next time the course runs, but we cannot guarantee credit approval for future offerings.
New Jersey
NJ Pesticide Applicators: Pending
*No credits offered for Spanish instruction courses
No meals will be provided at this course.
Program Questions? We’re Here to Help!
If you have any questions about the CORE Basic Pesticide Training Course, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Program Coordinator: Joe Canzano

Administrative Assistant: Damiana Parada
For registration assistance, please contact our Registration Department at 848-932-9271, option 2 or email