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“I’ve always been fascinated with wine and winemaking. I’ve tasted wines in many places all over the world. I’m from Kansas originally and grew up with a farm background so I’m totally into the hands-on aspect—planting things, nurturing them. I have been trying to figure out what my role could be in the wine industry. I took an introductory wine course online at another university but I find the hands-on application of the Rutgers course is better.
I would highly recommend this class even if you don’t plan on having a vineyard or making wine—it’s all good information. I am sorting out what I want to do next in life and this class is the best way to do that instead of making an expensive mistake. This class was worth taking!“
About Melanie: Involved in farming since childhood, Melanie has long had an interest in agricultural stewardship and environmental protection. In addition to a thirty-year career in corporate engineering, Melanie is a realtor and plein air painter. She is now planning the next phase of her life which will hopefully combine her appreciation for the land and her love of wine. She enrolled in the Rutgers program to help her determine her direction in the wine industry.