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Course Overview
Have you ever considered raising your own honeybee queens? Understanding the process that bees use to raise queens will give you a much more intimate knowledge of your colonies and enable you to become a better beekeeper.
Featured Topics
- Queen and Drone Biology
- Stock Selection
- Introduction to Several Queen Rearing Techniques
- Tools and Equipment
- Starter and Finisher Hives
- Setting Up Mating Yards
- Recordkeeping
Who Should Attend?
All beekeepers who are interested in learning about raising honeybee queens can benefit from attending this webinar.
Meet Your Instructor
Mike Haberland, Rutgers Cooperative Extension

Mike Haberland is an associate professor and County Environmental Agent with Rutgers University Cooperative Extension. He uses applied research and collaborates with organizations to develop programs that assist in the creation, promotion, and education, of innovative environmental, sustainable community, and natural resource management practices. Mike uses beekeeping and the creation of native pollinator habitat for research and as a way to educate the public on the importance of pollinators.
Student Reviews
“I think the illustrations demonstrated the concepts very well. It was the next best thing to doing hands on learning.”
– Past Participant
“[I] Knew nothing about queen rearing really, so it was all useful.”
– Past Participant
Most useful aspect of the course: “Visuals of working hives.”
– Past Participant
Continuing Education Credits
There are no continuing education credits offered for this course.
Program Questions? We’re Here to Help!
If you have any questions about Small Scale Queen Rearing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Program Coordinator: Pamela Springard-Mayer
For registration assistance, please contact our Registration Department at 848-932-9271, option 2 or email