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Course Details
Course Name: Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock
Course Code: EW0108CA25
Date of Most Recent Offering: November 6, 2024 (Check-in Time: 8:30 am)
Course Overview
This course focuses on practical aspects of groundwater in the fractured sedimentary bedrock of the Newark Group (Brunswick Aquifer), where thousands of sites have been impacted by industrial contaminants. Remedial activities at such sites are usually impaired by oversimplified notions regarding groundwater flow and contaminant migration, as well as by the use of inadequate hydrogeologic characterization methods.
New Jersey is a very geologically diverse region. Due to its wide range of geological characteristics, the content of this course will be applicable to environmental professionals working in other areas throughout the country as well.
Featured Topics
- Dominant role of certain bedding fractures in sedimentary bedrock and harmful consequences of using inadequate conceptual models of groundwater flow
- Fracture flow basics and differences with porous media
- Plume delineation and CEA determination at fractured bedrock sites
- NJDEP’s technical guidance document on groundwater investigation in fractured bedrock
- How to conduct remedial investigations and groundwater cleanups at DNAPL and LNAPL sites
- Various conceptual flow models applied for groundwater in bedrock, and how their use influences apparent groundwater flow direction, velocities, plume delineation, and remediation outcomes at contaminated bedrock sites
Learner Objectives
Upon completion of the course, attendees will be able to properly investigate and apply improved understanding of the complex hydrogeologic framework present in sedimentary bedrock sites, which is necessary for the successful removal of industrial contaminants and complete remediation of impaired sites.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone responsible for the investigation and remediation of complex bedrock sites who is looking to improve their understanding of the hydrogeologic framework best used to represent sedimentary bedrock sites can benefit from this class. Past participants have included:
- Consultants
- Corporate Site Managers
- Engineers
- Environmental Scientists
- Geologists
- Hydrogeologists
- Industrial Groundwater Treatment Operators
- Laboratory Managers
- Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs)
- Project Managers
- Public Works Directors
- Regulators
- Remediation Engineers
- Water Quality Technicians
Meet Your Instructors
Richard Britton, P.G., LSRP

Richard Britton joined Matrix New World Engineering in 2018. As Senior Technical Director, Mr. Britton is responsible for technical leadership, mentoring, and direction on a company-wide basis. He has co-authored several publications describing innovative investigative techniques for bedrock aquifers that result in a more economical and efficient remediation approach. Mr. Britton works with attorneys as an expert on matters of cost allocation, liability, insurance, and remediation and has prepared expert reports for litigation on these issues.
Andrew Michalski, Ph.D., CGWP, P.G.

Andrew Michalski is a semi-retired hydrogeologist with more than 45 years of academic and consulting experience. In addition to publishing seminal papers on groundwater occurrence and movement in fractured bedrock of the Newark basin, Dr. Michalski developed practical bedrock hydrogeologic characterization tools based on his hands-on investigations of numerous contaminated bedrock sites. He received a M.S. in Mine Hydrogeology (in 1969) and a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from Cracow, Poland (in 1974). He was a principal at Michalski & Associates, Inc. for 25 years. Earlier, he held senior technical positions with The Whitman Companies, TRC, and the Earth Technology Corp. He also taught an undergraduate hydrogeology course at Rutgers University.
James Peterson, P.G., LSRP

James Peterson, President of Princeton Geoscience, Inc., has 28 years of New Jersey site investigation and remediation experience. His firm provides borehole geophysical logging services and geologic structure assessments at fractured bedrock sites, to help consulting industry colleagues develop effective remedial programs. He has provided training to LSRPs and other interested consultants on the use of borehole geophysics to support site remediation.
Student Reviews
“Very valuable information and knowledgeable instructors.”
– Nicole Maksymiw, Environmental Scientist, Environmental Logic LLC
Most useful aspect of the course: “The explanation of how fractures occur and impact the flow of water and contaminants.”
– Past Participant
“The entire course was extremely useful! Brilliant instructors! We are lucky to learn from the masters!”
– Past Participant
Continuing Education Credits
The most recent offering of Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock was approved for 0.6 Rutgers CEUs (6 contact hours) and the following credits from professional organizations. We will reapply for similar credits the next time the course runs, but we cannot guarantee credit approval for future offerings.
CT Licensed Environmental Professionals (LEPs): 6 CTLEP CECs (Course Number CTLEP 390)
New Jersey
NJ Certified Public Works Managers (CPWM): 6 Technical Contact Hours (Course No. DLGS-NJAES-8)
NJ Drinking Water and Wastewater Operators: 6 TCHs (Approval #01-040701-30)
NJ Health Officers and Registered Environmental Health Specialists (HO/REHS): Rutgers University, NJAES, Office of Continuing Professional Education has been approved by the New Jersey Department of Health as a provider of NJ Public Health Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs). Participants who complete this education program will be awarded 6.0 NJ Public Health Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs) (Course No. 21737).
NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP): 6 Technical CECs (Course No. 2012-015)
NJ Professional Engineers: 6 Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) Credits
NJ Well Drillers and Pump Installers: 6 Technical/Industry CEPs (Course No. WP2026-003-6-0)
New York
NY Professional Engineers: 6 PDHs (NOTE: This class may not be used to fulfill the land surveyors continuing education requirement in NYS.)
NY Professional Geologists: 6 PDHs
Pennsylvania Professional Geologists: 6 PDHs
No breakfast will be provided. Lunch will be available for pre-registered attendees only.
NOTE: If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please alert us at least one (1) week in advance of the course start date so that we can make reasonable accommodations. We cannot guarantee accommodations for special requests made after that time.
Attention U.S. Veterans

This course is approved by the New Jersey State Approving Agency for Veterans Training for educational benefits through the GI Bill®. Learn more.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at
Program Questions? We’re Here to Help!
If you have any questions about Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Program Coordinator: Pamela Springard-Mayer
For registration assistance, please contact our Registration Department at 848-932-9271, option 2 or email