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CRP Recertification Requirement
NJ Certified Recycling Professionals (CRPs) are required to maintain their certification through continuing professional education/training on issues relating to solid waste, recycling, the environment, and related topics. The purpose of the recertification requirement is to ensure that CRPs continually update their skills and knowledge in technical, regulatory, and managerial areas of recycling to supplement and expand upon the material presented in the core Recycling Certification Series courses.
Please note the date on your CRP identification card that indicates when your certification will expire. At that time, you will need to show that you have obtained twenty (20) hours of recertification credits to re-certify for another two years. Of that total, a minimum of six (6) hours must be classroom or course-based training; the remaining fourteen (14) hours can be earned through meetings, conferences, or other technical training.
NOTE: Individuals who become certified by completing the alternate program will be required to obtain thirty (30) credits of continuing education during their initial two-year recertification period. This will revert to the standard requirement of twenty (20) credits in subsequent recertification periods.
Classroom or course-based training refers to events, gatherings, seminars, assemblies, and the like (live, in-person, or on-line) or portions thereof during which information is presented and/or topics are discussed that are educational in nature. Meetings or events (or portions thereof) that are procedural in nature or for which the primary purpose of the gathering is to focus on topics that are related to workplace operations, scheduling, productivity, resources, etc. will not be considered. Partial classroom/course-based credit may be assigned to these events, for portions of the program that are a minimum of one (1) hour in length. For webinars or other web-based events, proof of login OR an attendance certificate provided by the sponsoring organization must be provided.
It is your responsibility to maintain a record of the courses you attend and forward that information to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Office of Continuing Professional Education (OCPE) when you have fulfilled the requirements for recertification. The Recertification Tracking Form must be returned to OCPE within one (1) month of the end of the recertification period to document your recertification efforts during the prior two years.
If you have completed the additional programs required to earn the Sustainable Resource Management Professional (SRMP) designation, your card will carry some additional text and an additional logo. Earning this certification does not change your recertification requirements.
Questions and inquiries about this information should be directed to Pamela Springard-Mayer at 848-932-7463 or
Sources of CRP Recertification Credits
Recertification credits can be obtained through a number of different forums, providing the requirements for obtaining approval of these programs for use as recertification credits have been met.
Potential sources of credits include:
- Recycling courses offered by OCPE and/or ANJR (View a list of OCPE courses that are approved for CRP credits.)
- ANJR quarterly meetings or other programs
- County coordinator meetings (formal, scheduled meetings with agendas and speakers which have received prior approval for use as recertification credits)
- Programs related to recycling sponsored by the Solid Waste Management Association of North America (SWANA), the US EPA, NJDEP, or Public Works Association of New Jersey (PWANJ) that have been given prior approval for use as recertification credits
- Programs given by other agencies or organizations that have been given prior approval for use as recertification hours
Submitting Programs for CRP Credit Approval
We welcome and encourage other programs or training sessions to be submitted for approval for CRP recertification. Programs submitted must meet the following criteria.
- The sponsoring agency or group must submit a request for approval of the program for review to OCPE at least fourteen (14) working days before the first day of the event. The request must include an hour-by-hour agenda listing topics, speakers, and program objectives.
- The sponsoring agency or group must agree to provide a roster of attendees and a copy of a sign-in sheet to confirm participation. This information must be submitted to OCPE within ten (10) working days of the completion of the program.
- The sponsoring agency or group must agree to provide confirmation of attendance for at least three (3) years after the conclusion of the program.
- If a program is reviewed but not approved by OCPE prior to the event, the sponsoring agency may appeal the decision to the Advisory Committee. The decision of a majority of the Committee will be final and binding.
- Recertification credits will not be granted for courses on regulatory compliance topics, such as health and safety training or defensive driving. Credits will not be awarded for any program that fails to secure approval prior to the start of the program.
If you would like to submit an event, course, meeting, or seminar for review for CRP recertification approval (or have any questions on the process), contact Pamela Springard-Mayer at or call 848-932-7463.