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Love of Plants Blossoms into Successful Career Path

As the Professional Golf Turf Management School Class of 2011 was honored at the Graduation Ceremony and 22nd Annual Turfgrass Student Awards Banquet, Rutgers paid homage to one of its own: Kenneth Krausz, class of 1986. Krausz was honored with the Award for Professional Excellence, which is reserved for graduates who have excelled in their profession while consistently displaying leadership, fellowship, high ideals, and a desire to improve the profession.
Born in 1955 in Ridgefield Park, NJ, Ken’s first job was working on a vegetable farm adjacent to his house. His love of plants and outdoor work lead him to take a laborer position at Old Tappan Golf Course and to enroll in the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School.
During his second year in the Rutgers Two-Year Turf Certificate Program, he was promoted to golf course superintendent. Soon after, he accepted the Director of Greens and Grounds position at Paramus Golf Course, and worked there for over 22 years.
Ken’s deep roots in turf ultimately sparked an interest in starting a private company. With a partner, he opened Sports Field Management Systems, a sports maintenance company.
Although now “retired,” Ken still works as a seasonal employee at Provident Bank Park, home of the Rockland Boulders baseball team in Ramapo, New York, where he continues to nurture his passion.
Service to the Turf Industry and the Community
The only things more impressive than Ken’s distinguished career are his professional achievements and service to the turf industry and the community. Some highlights include:
- Became a Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS)
- Served on the Board of Directors of the GCSANJ
- Named Member of the Year of GCSANJ
- Served as President of GCSANJ, 1999-2000
- Volunteered for the Old Tappan and Paramus Fire Departments since 1971
- Acted as the editor of the The Greenerside, a GCSANJ publication and resource for Rutgers turf alumni
- Served as Secretary and President for the Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association
- Participated in the Rutgers Turf School Superintendent Panel discussion
One of the highlights of his 40+ year service as a firefighter was when he and his fellow firefighters helped rebuild a home for a deserving family for an episode of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”
Nurturing the Next Generation
In 1978, Ken met Kathy Staron, the future Mrs. Krausz, and together they raised two daughters. He is currently enjoying being a grandfather.
Not surprisingly, Ken’s presentation to the 2011 graduating class highlighted the importance of community service, volunteerism, and family.
Rutgers can always count on Ken to help nurture the next generation of young superintendents and to be a strong advocate for the Professional Golf Turf Management School.
Learn more about the Rutgers Two-Year Turf Certificate!
Contact Laura Boyd at 848-932-7184 or