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Originally published November 2015

Bart Miller (1992 Rutgers Two-Year Turf Certificate Program alumnus) currently works as the Superintendent of Langston Golf Course. In that position, he has a reputation for giving a hand up rather than a handout to those in need.
For example, Miller hired a homeless man named Milton for a temporary, seasonal job on his grounds crew. This opportunity proved to be the first step in getting Milton off the streets. With patience and compassion, Miller and his staff helped Milton get back on his feet. Milton has since reconciled with his family and now has a life again with his wife and daughters. Read more about this second chance success story on TurfNet.
With pride for his philanthropy, Rutgers honored Bart Miller with the Award for Professional Excellence on November 5, 2015.
Learn more about the Rutgers Two-Year Turf Certificate!
Contact Laura Boyd at 848-932-7184 or