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Odor Courses
Odor Field Enforcement – March 5 & 6, 2025
Course Code: ODORCERT05MAR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Registration Fee: $495.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $200.00
- CEHA Fee*: $150.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: The New Jersey Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 7:27-5.2(a), referred to as Subchapter 5, provides for the regulation of odors released in the outdoor atmosphere. Participants in this two-day course are instructed in the proper procedures for enforcement including fundamentals of odor perception and measurement, investigation procedures, enforcement and penalty procedures, odor control technologies, legal issues, and case studies. Classroom exercises are conducted to develop the students’ familiarity with odor parameters including intensity, character (quality), frequency, duration, and hedonic tone.
After initial certification in this two-day course, NJDEP policy requires agency personnel take the one-day Refresher course once every three years to preserve familiarity with the various aspects of odor field enforcement and ensure legally valid investigations.
Odor Field Enforcement Refresher – March 20, 2025
Prerequisite: Odor Field Enforcement (2 day course)
Course Code: ODORREFRESH20MAR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Registration Fee: $450.00
- NJ-DEP Fee: $175.00
- CEHA Fee*: $135.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Participants in this one day course are instructed in the proper procedures for enforcing Subchapter 5 in practical field situations. Classroom instruction covers the fundamentals of odor perception and measurement, Subchapter 5 investigation procedures, enforcement and penalty procedures, and recent Subchapter 5 case studies. Classroom exercises are conducted to reinforce the students’ familiarity with odor parameters including intensity, character (quality), frequency, duration, and hedonic tone (relative pleasantness or unpleasantness).
NJDEP policy requires agency personnel take this refresher course once every three years to preserve familiarity with the various aspects of odor field enforcement and ensure legally valid investigations.
Visible Emissions Courses
Visible Emissions Evaluation Refresher – April 1, 2025
Course Code: VE-REFRESH01APR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Registration Fee: $495.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $225.00
- CEHA Fee*: $100.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary source. This one-day course provides participants the periodic classroom and field retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal/state standards. Those who pass the test will receive their 6 month field certification. This course is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Certification – April 15-17, 2025
Course Code: VE-CERT15APR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $550.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $300.00
- CEHA Fee*: $125.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. In this three-day course, participants will be instructed in the proper procedures for using Method 9 and New Jersey Air Test Method 2 in practical field situations.
Classroom instruction is provided in method history, legal considerations, method accuracy, sources of opacity, requirements for opacity field observations, data recording, data reduction, and report writing.
Field training sessions are conducted to develop the student’s ability to visually judge smoke opacity accurately. After achieving a skill level which meets the specific requirements of accuracy under Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2, the student is qualified as a smoke reader.
Passing the field test will provide you certification for a period of “approximately 6 months.” To maintain your certification, you will be required to attend the Visible Emissions Recertification course approximately every 6 months. Agency personnel are also required to attend the Visible Emissions Evaluation Refresher course every three years.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Re-certification – April 17, 2025
Course Code: VE-RECERT17APR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Ag Field)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $250.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $150.00
- CEHA Fee*: $75.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. Participants in this one-day course are provided the periodic retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal standards. It is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years and is run concurrently with the final day of a certification course or as a stand-alone course.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Re-certification – April 29, 2025
Course Code: VE-RECERT29APR2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Ag Field)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $250.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $150.00
- CEHA Fee*: $75.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. Participants in this one-day course are provided the periodic retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal standards. It is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years and is run concurrently with the final day of a certification course or as a stand-alone course.
Principles and Practice of Air Pollution Control – May 13-15, 2025
Course Code: AIRPOLLAPTI45213MAY2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Bioresource Engineering Laboratory)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $750.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $140.00
- CEHA Fee*: $140.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: This three-day introductory course is an overview of the entire federal/state air pollution program including discussion of effects and sources of air pollutants, sampling and analysis, the engineering controls and management systems developed to minimize emissions, and compliance and enforcement activities..
Visible Emissions Evaluation Refresher – September 10, 2025
Course Code: VE-REFRESH10SEP2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $495.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $225.00
- CEHA Fee*: $100.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary source. This one-day course provideds participants the periodic classroom and field retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal/state standards. Those who pass the test will receive their 6 month field certification. This course is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Certification – September 16-18, 2025
Course Code: VE-CERT16SEP2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $550.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $300.00
- CEHA Fee*: $125.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. In this three-day course, participants will be instructed in the proper procedures for using Method 9 and New Jersey Air Test Method 2 in practical field situations.
Classroom instruction is provided in method history, legal considerations, method accuracy, sources of opacity, requirements for opacity field observations, data recording, data reduction, and report writing.
Field training sessions are conducted to develop the student’s ability to visually judge smoke opacity accurately. After achieving a skill level which meets the specific requirements of accuracy under Method 9 and NJ Air Test Method 2, the student is qualified as a smoke reader.
Passing the field test will provide you certification for a period of “approximately 6 months.” To maintain your certification, you will be required to attend the Visible Emissions Recertification course approximately every 6 months. Agency personnel are also required to attend the Visible Emissions Evaluation Refresher course every three years.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Re-certification – September 18, 2025
Course Code: VE-RECERT18SEP2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Ag Field)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $250.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $150.00
- CEHA Fee*: $75.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. Participants in this one-day course are provided the periodic retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal standards. It is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years and is run concurrently with the final day of a certification course or as a stand-alone course.
Visible Emissions Evaluation Re-certification – October 10, 2025
Course Code: VE-RECERT10OCT2025
Course Time: 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Ag Field)
Registration Fee:
- General Fee: $250.00
- NJ-DEP Fee*: $150.00
- CEHA Fee*: $75.00
*Must be an employee of NJDEP or CEHA Agency to be eligible for those fee categories
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: EPA Reference Method 9 provides for the visual estimation of smoke opacity from stationary sources. Participants in this one-day course are provided the periodic retraining necessary to maintain an observer’s qualification to read smoke under current federal standards. It is designed for those who have been certified within the past three years and is run concurrently with the final day of a certification course or as a stand-alone course.
*PLEASE NOTE: If it becomes necessary to switch these courses to remote (online) instruction, you will receive notice a week before the course of the new dates and times.*
Rutgers Air Pollution Training Program (RAPTP)
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
14 College Farm Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551
Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences Bldg (ENRS) | (848) 932-5784
Questions? Contact Pamela Springard-Mayer at