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Course Status Notice – Not Scheduled
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Course Details
Course Name: NJ Clean Communities Council Coordinator Certification Training
Course Code: ER0400YA25
Date of Most Recent Offering: September 25, October 2, & October 9, 2024
Course Overview
The NJ Clean Communities Council (NJCCC) partners with the Rutgers/NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education (OCPE) to offer a certification course for Clean Communities program personnel. The three-day session presents information on programming, statistical reporting, budgeting/cost management, communications, volunteer management and related topics in an informal atmosphere that encourages critical thinking and innovation.
Day One (September 25) will focus on Clean Communities processes and procedures; Day Two (October 2) will present information on the interaction between Clean Communities programs, municipal finances and enforcement procedures. Both these days will be held remotely.
Day Three (October 9) will be held in person at the Rutgers EcoComplex in Bordentown. No breakfast or coffee service will be available for the in-person session but lunch will be provided for all attendees. This session will focus on the educational aspects of Clean Communities programming – getting the word out to members of the community.
Those seeking to become certified must:
- Complete all three days of the course;
- Submit a three to five-page paper on a topic related to developing, operating, and/or maintaining an effective Clean Communities program; and
- Obtain two additional credits within ninety (90) days of the end date of the certification course.
- Possible options for the additional two credits include:
- Attendance at public works workshops or conferences that have been approved for NJCCC credits. Partial credit can be given but minimum time for a portion of an event to be considered is one (1) hour.
- Attendance at Clean Communities workshops and meetings or Clean Communities session(s) at the New Jersey League of Municipalities conference.
- Attendance at county/municipal Clean Communities coordinator meetings or other events as approved by the NJCCC.
- Completion of an approved safety course.
- Completion of all six (6) modules in the Municipal Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund’s stormwater management webinar series (details at
- Documented organizing of and participation in a public lands or International Coastal Cleanup (ICC).
- Spearheading the effort to add Clean Communities program information to a municipal or county website using NJCCC Best Practices Model Website.
- Possible options for the additional two credits include:
For more information on the certification process, please contact the NJCCC at (609) 989-5900.
Who Should Attend?
If you are looking to become a Certified Clean Communities Coordinator, you must attend all 3 days of this class. If you are already a Clean Communities Coordinator, you are invited to participate in Day One and/or Day Two of the program to earn recertification credits (six credits per day).
Past participants have included:
- Borough Clerks/Administrators
- Certified Recycling Professionals
- Clean Communities Coordinators
- Environmental Commissioners
- Land Stewards
- Park Maintenance Directors
- Public Works Department Employees
- Recreation Directors
- Sanitation Inspectors
- Shade Tree Clerks
- Solid Waste Coordinators
- Sustainability Officers
- Township Managers
- Utility Workers
Meet Your Instructor
Joann Gemenden

JoAnn Gemenden is in her fourth year as Executive Director of the New Jersey Clean Communities Council where she was tasked with implementing NJ’s statewide outreach and education program for the single use plastics law and supplying 500,000 reusable bags to the state’s seven food banks. Prior to be named to this post, JoAnn served as the Bureau Chief of Recycling in Union County for 35 years where she was both Recycling and Clean Communities Coordinator. She has vast experience in environmental education and works to promote behavior change when it comes to keeping NJ litter free and reducing our reliance on plastic.
Student Reviews
“The presenters gave great ideas to implement the NJCC program.”
– Past Participant
“[I] Learned more about recycling and litter abatement as well as about how others developed their municipalities’ Clean Communities programs.”
– Past Participant
“[I] Learned more about safety and proper prep for clean ups. For future clean ups I will inform volunteers to wear proper clothing and PPE.”
– Past Participant
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided to you at no additional cost.
NOTE: If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please alert us at least one (1) week in advance of the course start date so that we can make reasonable accommodations. We cannot guarantee accommodations for special requests made after that time.
*Applies for October 9 class session in Bordentown, NJ only. No meals provided for online class sessions.
Program Questions? We’re Here to Help!
If you have any questions about the NJ Clean Communities Council Coordinator Certification Training, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Program Coordinator: Pamela Springard-Mayer

Administrative Assistant: Claudine Oleskin
For registration assistance, please contact our Registration Department at 848-932-9271, option 2 or email