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Community Noise Enforcement Course Schedule and Registration
Upcoming Field Exercise Status
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) scheduled for December 2, 2024 is rescheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Please plan to check-in at 10:00 am.
– Updated 12/16/2024 at 11:58 a.m. –
Important Registration Notes
- For those seeking Community Noise Enforcement Certification: You must register for, attend, and complete both an online certification course and an in person field exercise to earn your certification. You will not be allowed to complete your registration for the online certification course without also registering for one Field Exercise section at the same time. The online certification course consists of five half-day sessions delivered via Zoom. The field exercise is a half-day program held on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, NJ.
- For those seeking Community Noise Enforcement Recertification: You must register for, attend, and complete both an online recertification course and an in person field exercise to re-certify. You will not be allowed to complete your registration for the online recertification course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. The online recertification course consists of two half-day sessions delivered via Zoom. The field exercise is a half-day program held on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, NJ.
- Each field exercise section capacity is 20. When filled, another section will open.
- New Jersey Annual Schedule for Certification and Recertification Courses: March, June, September, December
March 2025
Community Noise Enforcement Re-Certification (Online) – March 4 & 5, 2025
Prerequisite: You must have completed a Certification or Recertification course within 24 months of the scheduled course date (NJ law), or have a valid extension issued by the NJDEP.
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISERECERT04MAR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $475.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $390.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $290.00
- CEHA: $120.00
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to download registration form.
Description: In New Jersey, recertification is required of all investigators every 24 months (NJAC 7:29-2.11) This course is essentially a refresher, addressing most of the topics covered in the Certification course in an abbreviated manner, as well as an opportunity to practice your field inspection skills. The reality is that most investigators are not called upon to conduct a noise investigation more than a couple of times a year. Refreshing the necessary skills is valuable for your comfort and confidence as a field investigator, aside from the fact that it’s legally required in New Jersey. Many jurisdictions outside of New Jersey adhere to this practice of biannual recertification as well, even though it may not be required by their code. The course also serves to update New Jersey investigators on any changes to the language, interpretation, or enforcement of 7:29 or Model Code.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – March 7, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise07MAR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: March 10, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
Community Noise Enforcement Certification (Online) – March 18, 19, 21, 24, & 25, 2025
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISECERT18MAR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $890.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $730.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $550.00
- CEHA: $230.00 (only available to NJ Counties and their CEHA Subcontractors)
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: It is our goal to make sure that every one of our students is comfortable with the technology, techniques, and strategies of sound level measurement for enforcement purposes. No prior knowledge is assumed and the only prerequisite is interest. This course is required by state law (New Jersey Noise Code – NJAC 7:29) for noise enforcement investigators in the state of New Jersey, and it has been attended by investigators from Florida to Alaska and Barbados to Canada. It is also useful for private consultants, industry, commercial facilities, and concerned citizens.
Topics covered in the course include: impacts of noise; fundamentals of sound; operation of sound level meters; sound measurement calculations; determining the sound level of the source under investigation alone in an acoustically complex environment; sound measurement reporting; regulatory compliance evaluation; development of a prima facie court case; courtroom tactics; and management of agitated complainants. All questions are solicited and thoroughly addressed. A written and practical exam insure the student’s preparedness to take legally valid noise measurements.
When taught in New Jersey, N.J.A.C. 7:29 is reviewed in depth as is the state’s Model Ordinance for municipalities. This discussion is very useful even for investigators from outside of New Jersey because N.J.A.C. 7:29 is to our knowledge the most detailed noise code in the country regarding the protocols for noise measurement. Many other jurisdictions have essentially adopted the methodologies therein as their agency’s SOP. We recommend that everyone (whether from inside or outside New Jersey) bring a copy of their noise code to the course, and we’ll make sure you understand it completely.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – March 27, 2025 FULL
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise27MAR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – March 31, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise31MAR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: April 2, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
April 2025
Octave Band Analysis (Online) – April 10, 2025
Prerequisite: You must have completed a Certification or Recertification course within 24 months of the scheduled course date (NJ law), or have a valid extension issued by the NJDEP.
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISEOCTAVE10APR2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $475.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $390.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $290.00
- CEHA: $120.00
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to download registration form.
Description: In New Jersey, recertification is required of all investigators every 24 months (NJAC 7:29-2.11) This course is essentially a refresher, addressing most of the topics covered in the Certification course in an abbreviated manner, as well as an opportunity to practice your field inspection skills. The reality is that most investigators are not called upon to conduct a noise investigation more than a couple of times a year. Refreshing the necessary skills is valuable for your comfort and confidence as a field investigator, aside from the fact that it’s legally required in New Jersey. Many jurisdictions outside of New Jersey adhere to this practice of biannual recertification as well, even though it may not be required by their code. The course also serves to update New Jersey investigators on any changes to the language, interpretation, or enforcement of 7:29 or Model Code.
June 2025
Community Noise Enforcement Re-Certification (Online) – June 3 & 4 2025
Prerequisite: You must have completed a Certification or Recertification course within 24 months of the scheduled course date (NJ law), or have a valid extension issued by the NJDEP.
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISERECERT03JUN2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $475.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $390.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $290.00
- CEHA: $120.00
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to download registration form.
Description: In New Jersey, recertification is required of all investigators every 24 months (NJAC 7:29-2.11) This course is essentially a refresher, addressing most of the topics covered in the Certification course in an abbreviated manner, as well as an opportunity to practice your field inspection skills. The reality is that most investigators are not called upon to conduct a noise investigation more than a couple of times a year. Refreshing the necessary skills is valuable for your comfort and confidence as a field investigator, aside from the fact that it’s legally required in New Jersey. Many jurisdictions outside of New Jersey adhere to this practice of biannual recertification as well, even though it may not be required by their code. The course also serves to update New Jersey investigators on any changes to the language, interpretation, or enforcement of 7:29 or Model Code.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – June 6, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise06JUN2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: June 11, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
Community Noise Enforcement Certification (Online) – June 23, 24, 26, 27, & 30, 2025
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISECERT23JUN2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $890.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $730.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $550.00
- CEHA: $230.00 (only available to NJ Counties and their CEHA Subcontractors)
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: It is our goal to make sure that every one of our students is comfortable with the technology, techniques, and strategies of sound level measurement for enforcement purposes. No prior knowledge is assumed and the only prerequisite is interest. This course is required by state law (New Jersey Noise Code – NJAC 7:29) for noise enforcement investigators in the state of New Jersey, and it has been attended by investigators from Florida to Alaska and Barbados to Canada. It is also useful for private consultants, industry, commercial facilities, and concerned citizens.
Topics covered in the course include: impacts of noise; fundamentals of sound; operation of sound level meters; sound measurement calculations; determining the sound level of the source under investigation alone in an acoustically complex environment; sound measurement reporting; regulatory compliance evaluation; development of a prima facie court case; courtroom tactics; and management of agitated complainants. All questions are solicited and thoroughly addressed. A written and practical exam insure the student’s preparedness to take legally valid noise measurements.
When taught in New Jersey, N.J.A.C. 7:29 is reviewed in depth as is the state’s Model Ordinance for municipalities. This discussion is very useful even for investigators from outside of New Jersey because N.J.A.C. 7:29 is to our knowledge the most detailed noise code in the country regarding the protocols for noise measurement. Many other jurisdictions have essentially adopted the methodologies therein as their agency’s SOP. We recommend that everyone (whether from inside or outside New Jersey) bring a copy of their noise code to the course, and we’ll make sure you understand it completely.
July 2025
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – July 2, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise02JULY2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: July 9, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
September 2024
Community Noise Enforcement Re-Certification (Online) – September 4 & 5 2025
Prerequisite: You must have completed a Certification or Recertification course within 24 months of the scheduled course date (NJ law), or have a valid extension issued by the NJDEP.
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISERECERT04SEP2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $475.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $390.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $290.00
- CEHA: $120.00
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to download registration form.
Description: In New Jersey, recertification is required of all investigators every 24 months (NJAC 7:29-2.11) This course is essentially a refresher, addressing most of the topics covered in the Certification course in an abbreviated manner, as well as an opportunity to practice your field inspection skills. The reality is that most investigators are not called upon to conduct a noise investigation more than a couple of times a year. Refreshing the necessary skills is valuable for your comfort and confidence as a field investigator, aside from the fact that it’s legally required in New Jersey. Many jurisdictions outside of New Jersey adhere to this practice of biannual recertification as well, even though it may not be required by their code. The course also serves to update New Jersey investigators on any changes to the language, interpretation, or enforcement of 7:29 or Model Code.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – September 8, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise08SEP2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: September 10, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
Community Noise Enforcement Certification (Online) – September 25, 26, 29, 30 & October 3, 2025
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISECERT25SEP2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $890.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $730.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $550.00
- CEHA: $230.00 (only available to NJ Counties and their CEHA Subcontractors)
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: It is our goal to make sure that every one of our students is comfortable with the technology, techniques, and strategies of sound level measurement for enforcement purposes. No prior knowledge is assumed and the only prerequisite is interest. This course is required by state law (New Jersey Noise Code – NJAC 7:29) for noise enforcement investigators in the state of New Jersey, and it has been attended by investigators from Florida to Alaska and Barbados to Canada. It is also useful for private consultants, industry, commercial facilities, and concerned citizens.
Topics covered in the course include: impacts of noise; fundamentals of sound; operation of sound level meters; sound measurement calculations; determining the sound level of the source under investigation alone in an acoustically complex environment; sound measurement reporting; regulatory compliance evaluation; development of a prima facie court case; courtroom tactics; and management of agitated complainants. All questions are solicited and thoroughly addressed. A written and practical exam insure the student’s preparedness to take legally valid noise measurements.
When taught in New Jersey, N.J.A.C. 7:29 is reviewed in depth as is the state’s Model Ordinance for municipalities. This discussion is very useful even for investigators from outside of New Jersey because N.J.A.C. 7:29 is to our knowledge the most detailed noise code in the country regarding the protocols for noise measurement. Many other jurisdictions have essentially adopted the methodologies therein as their agency’s SOP. We recommend that everyone (whether from inside or outside New Jersey) bring a copy of their noise code to the course, and we’ll make sure you understand it completely.
October 2025
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – October 7, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise07OCT2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: October 9, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
November 2025
Community Noise Enforcement Re-Certification (Online) – November 17 & 18, 2025
Prerequisite: You must have completed a Certification or Recertification course within 24 months of the scheduled course date (NJ law), or have a valid extension issued by the NJDEP.
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISERECERT17NOV2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $475.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $390.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $290.00
- CEHA: $120.00
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to download registration form.
Description: In New Jersey, recertification is required of all investigators every 24 months (NJAC 7:29-2.11) This course is essentially a refresher, addressing most of the topics covered in the Certification course in an abbreviated manner, as well as an opportunity to practice your field inspection skills. The reality is that most investigators are not called upon to conduct a noise investigation more than a couple of times a year. Refreshing the necessary skills is valuable for your comfort and confidence as a field investigator, aside from the fact that it’s legally required in New Jersey. Many jurisdictions outside of New Jersey adhere to this practice of biannual recertification as well, even though it may not be required by their code. The course also serves to update New Jersey investigators on any changes to the language, interpretation, or enforcement of 7:29 or Model Code.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – November 20, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise20NOV2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: November 21, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
December 2025
Community Noise Enforcement Certification (Online) – December 9, 10, 12, 15, & 16, 2025
Co-requisite: You will not be allowed to complete your registration for this course without also registering for a Field Exercise section at the same time. After you add this course to your shopping cart, look for the “Noise Field Exercise & Testing” link above the cart. Click on it to view a list of upcoming Field Exercise offering dates for which you can register.
Course Code: NOISECERT09DEC2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Registration Fee:
- Private Industry: $890.00
- Non-NJ Governmental Agency: $730.00
- NJ Governmental Agency: $550.00
- CEHA: $230.00 (only available to NJ Counties and their CEHA Subcontractors)
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: It is our goal to make sure that every one of our students is comfortable with the technology, techniques, and strategies of sound level measurement for enforcement purposes. No prior knowledge is assumed and the only prerequisite is interest. This course is required by state law (New Jersey Noise Code – NJAC 7:29) for noise enforcement investigators in the state of New Jersey, and it has been attended by investigators from Florida to Alaska and Barbados to Canada. It is also useful for private consultants, industry, commercial facilities, and concerned citizens.
Topics covered in the course include: impacts of noise; fundamentals of sound; operation of sound level meters; sound measurement calculations; determining the sound level of the source under investigation alone in an acoustically complex environment; sound measurement reporting; regulatory compliance evaluation; development of a prima facie court case; courtroom tactics; and management of agitated complainants. All questions are solicited and thoroughly addressed. A written and practical exam insure the student’s preparedness to take legally valid noise measurements.
When taught in New Jersey, N.J.A.C. 7:29 is reviewed in depth as is the state’s Model Ordinance for municipalities. This discussion is very useful even for investigators from outside of New Jersey because N.J.A.C. 7:29 is to our knowledge the most detailed noise code in the country regarding the protocols for noise measurement. Many other jurisdictions have essentially adopted the methodologies therein as their agency’s SOP. We recommend that everyone (whether from inside or outside New Jersey) bring a copy of their noise code to the course, and we’ll make sure you understand it completely.
Noise Field Exercise and Testing (In Person) – December 18, 2025
Prerequisite: Students must complete an online Noise Certification or Recertification Course before attending this Field Exercise.
Course Code: FieldExercise18DEC2025
Course Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Rutgers New Brunswick (Operator Training Center)
Registration Fee: $0
- Paying by credit card or echeck? Click here to register online.
- Paying by check, money order, or PO? Click here to fill out our registration form.
Description: Field exercises and testing are required to complete either the Certification or Recertification course. Field exercises are weather dependent.
Rain Date: December 22, 2025 (if needed due to inclement weather on initial scheduled course date)
Rutgers Noise Technical Assistance Center (RNTAC)
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
14 College Farm Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551
Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences Bldg (ENRS) | 848-932-5784
Questions? Contact Pamela Springard-Mayer at