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"Rutgers has a rare breed of instructors! These men and women not only teach, but are out in the field doing what we do and more every day. I found every instructor relatable, which made the learning experience that much more interesting."
As a result of our commitment to giving our students the best possible educational experience, our instructional team is a veritable “who’s who” of the turf industry. Our strong ties with the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science bring top turf researchers and academics into our classrooms. In addition, our longstanding industry partnerships have resulted in opportunities for our students to learn the practical applications of turfgrass science from highly-respected superintendents, irrigation pros, architects, horticulturists, and more.
Check out our directory below or scroll down the page to learn more about the credentials and expertise of the instructors in our program.
At-a-Glance Instructor Directory
- Dr. Stacy Bonos
- Rich Buckley
- Chris Carson
- Joe Clark
- Dr. Bruce Clarke
- Bob Dobson
- Dr. Matthew Elmore
- William Errickson
- Dr. Jennifer Grant
- Dr. Josh Honig
- Dr. Bingru Huang
- Dr. Albrecht Koppenhöfer
- Steven Kristoph
- Mark Kuhns, CGCS
- Mark LaBarge
- Eric MacPherson
- Steve McDonald
- Dr. William Meyer
- Dr. James Murphy
- Bruce Neary
- Brad Park
- Dr. Karen Plumley
- Dr. Stephen Souza
- Dr. Trent Tate
- Sabrina Tirpak
- Daniel Tuck
- Rich Watson
Dr. Stacy Bonos

Dr. Stacy Bonos
- Professor, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology and Associate Director, Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science
- Noted authority in plant biology and pathology
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Traveling the world (from Mongolia to Spain) to find new, hardy turf varieties, Dr. Bonos’s turfgrass research is focused on developing improved, pest resistant and stress tolerant turfgrasses. These improved breeds can be utilized for resource conservation and environmental enhancement anywhere cool-season turfgrasses are grown. Specifically, she is leading research projects on breeding for disease resistance and salt tolerance.
In addition, Dr. Bonos is working to develop high yielding cultivars of switchgrass that can be utilized for biofuel production. These high biomass grasses could be utilized as a renewable energy source to help decrease reliance on fossil fuels and reduce the release of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Dr. Bonos has contributed to several textbooks and has been published in many scholarly journals. She received her BS in biology from Gettysburg College before coming to Rutgers to pursue her MS in Plant Science and Technology and PhD in Plant Biology and Pathology.
Named to Sports Illustrated Golf Magazine’s “40 under 40” list in 2010 and recognized as the Young Crop Scientist of 2005 by the Crop Science Society of America, Dr. Stacy Bonos is a celebrated member of our instructional team. She was also selected by the multi-state Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee (PBCC) to receive its inaugural Early Career Excellence in Plant Breeding Award.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn “turfgrass development” from this respected scholar.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Bonos and her work!
- Announcement: Stacy Bonos to Lead NJAES Turfgrass Breeding Program (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, January 2021)
- Stacy Bonos Named 2016 Crop Science Society of America Fellow (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, March 2017)
- Getting the most out of the new stuff (Golf Course Industry, January 2016)
- The Sod Sleuths (Rutgers Magazine, 2010)
Rich Buckley

Rich Buckley
- Director, Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
- Prominent expert in turfgrass diseases and pest management
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Rich Buckley runs the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and Nematode Detection Service at the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center at Rutgers. With decades of experience working in one of the leading diagnostic labs in the country, he is highly regarded as a leader in the field of turfgrass problem solving.
In addition to managing the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory, he is a highly rated professor at Rutgers. Infamous for being a wildly interesting instructor, Rich frequently travels across the country to serve as a guest lecturer and invited speaker at numerous green industry functions.
After earning his BS in Entomology and Plant Pathology from the University of Delaware, Richard Buckley received an MS in Turfgrass Pathology from Rutgers University. In 2006, he received the Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association Achievement Award. In 2012, he was awarded the New Jersey Turfgrass Association Recognition Award.
Attend The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn about diseases and insect pests of both turfgrasses and ornamental plants from this premier turf disease specialist.
Check out these resources to learn more about Rich Buckley and his work!
- Meet Instructor Rick Buckley
- Read Rich’s posts on the Rutgers Plant & Pest Advisory Blog.
- Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory: A Resource for Plant Professionals and Home Gardeners (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, September 2015)
- What’s killing my turf?!?! (Golf Course Industry, May 2014)
Chris Carson

Chris Carson
- Retired Superintendent, Echo Lake Country Club
- 3-time winner of the GCSAA Leo Feser Award for best superintendent-written article published in Golf Course Management magazine
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Chris Carson recently retired from the role of superintendent of Echo Lake Country Club after 36 years. He received a BS in environmental science/turf management from Cook College, Rutgers University in 1979. He is a past president of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey and a past president of the New Jersey Turfgrass Association. Currently, he serves as a director in charge of the NJ Green Expo Conference for the New Jersey Turfgrass Association.
Carson has written over 20 articles for GCSAA’s national magazine and is the three-time winner of the Leo Feser Award for best superintendent written article of the year. His award-winning article “10 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in Turf School,” was based on the topics he now teaches to Rutgers students.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn professional development and budgeting from this well-respected industry professional.
Check out these articles to learn more about Chris Carson and his work!
- Where’s all the labor? (Golf Course Management, April 2022)
- Metropolitan Golf Association 2019 Green Chair Seminar Presentation (March 2019)
- Chris Carson wins 2017 Leo Feser Award (GCM Online, January 2018)
Joe Clark

Joe Clark
- Research Farm Supervisor, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Master math teacher and turfgrass management equipment expert
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Joe Clark is the Research Farm Supervisor for the Horticultural Research Farm II at Rutgers. He manages the operations of the farm, including research schedules, irrigation, and equipment. He also coordinates educational programs with organizations such as the New Jersey Turfgrass Association and Future Farmers of America and provides training to landscape contractors and golf course superintendents.
On top of all of that, the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School is incredibly lucky to have him teach our mower technology, pesticide calibration, and math courses. With his step-by-step instruction and hands-on demonstrations, Joe goes above and beyond to help students understand his lessons. He is a patient and dedicated educator.
In addition to earning a BS in Environmental Planning, Landscape Industries from Rutgers University, Joe has also received technical training from Toro Factory Service School, Toro Grounds Master School, Bernhard Reel Grinding Seminars, Kohler Small Engine Service School, and Briggs & Stratton Small Engine Service.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn from this committed educator.

Dr. Bruce Clarke

Dr. Bruce Clarke
- Emeritus Professor, Turfgrass Pathology, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Acclaimed scholar in plant disease diagnostics and turfgrass pest science
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
With a multitude of distinguishing awards and honors earned throughout his career, Dr. Bruce Clarke is a well-known name in the turfgrass industry. He was the President of the International Turfgrass Society Links to an external site. from 2014-2017 and has been an active member since 1985. To top it off, Clarke won the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America’s Col. John Morley Distinguished Service Award Links to an external site in 2014 and the USGA Green Section Award in 2016.
A consummate professional in plant pathology throughout his career, he developed a strong research program in the area of fungal disease identification and control in cool-season turfgrasses. Specifically, he made major contributions to the development of best management practice for the control of summer patch (Magnaporthiopsis poae), anthracnose (Colletotrichum cereale), gray leaf spot (Pyricularia oryzae) and dollar spot (Clarireedia spp.). In fact, Clarke has published more than 100 refereed journal articles, 200 industry publications, and four edited books.
In addition, Dr. Clarke still gives numerous research/extension presentations annually. The fact that Clarke is invited to give presentations at venues throughout the country and all around the world is a testament to the high level of respect that he is accorded for his knowledge of turfgrass diseases and his ability to convey that knowledge to others.
An honored professor of plant disease diagnostics and turfgrass pest science, Clarke has successfully advised many doctoral and masters degree students, as well as post-doctoral fellows. Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School for your chance to learn from this respected scholar and teacher.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Clarke and his work!
- Bruce Clarke, Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Pathology, Retires from Rutgers After a Long and Distinguished Career (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, January 2022)
- End of an era: After nearly 40 years, Clarke retires from Rutgers (TurfNet, January 2022)
- Take it Back to the First Tee: Dr. Bruce Clarke Through the Years (The Greenerside, Winter 2021-22)
- Plant Pathology Specialist Bruce Clarke Honored by the Nebraska Turfgrass Association (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, March 2020)
- Prof. Bruce Clarke to Receive 2016 USGA Green Section Award (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, December 2015)
Bob Dobson

Bob Dobson
- President, Middletown Sprinkler Company
- Leading voice in the irrigation industry
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Bob Dobson is President of Middletown Sprinkler Co. in Port Monmouth, NJ, a full service irrigation firm that has been serving the northeast for over 40 years and specializes in water efficient landscape irrigation systems that promote healthy and vibrant landscapes while conserving water and reducing water costs. Bob is an Irrigation Association (IA) Certified Irrigation Designer for residential, commercial, and golf course irrigation systems and an IA Certified Irrigation Contractor.
A leading voice in the irrigation industry, Bob is a past president of the national Irrigation Association, the Irrigation Association of New Jersey, and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association. He is also a past chairman of the national Irrigation Association’s Certification Board of Governors and has served on the IA’s Board of Directors. He is a member of the New Jersey Landscape Irrigation Contractors Examining Board.
Bob has been honored with the IA’s Industry Achievement Award and the Irrigation Association of New Jersey’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He was also recognized by the EPA with a WaterSense Excellence Award. He is the co-author of a book entitled Golf Course Irrigation: Environmental Design and Management Practices, which was published in 2003.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn irrigation principles from this well-respected industry professional.
Check out these articles to learn more about Bob Dobson and his work!
- 1-Minute Mentor: Bob Dobson (Landscape Management, March 2013)
"The instructors here at Rutgers truly care about helping each student fulfill their dreams in the golf industry. Because of my experience here, I have been able to go further than I had ever dreamed with my passion for turf. They have all been as dedicated to helping me get there as I have. THANK YOU!"
Dr. Matthew Elmore

Dr. Matthew Elmore
- Associate Extension Specialist in Weed Science, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Researches novel strategies to control weeds with fewer pesticide inputs
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Matt Elmore joined the Rutgers faculty in 2016 as the weed science extension specialist in turfgrass, landscapes, pastures, and forages. Matt earned his B.S. in Turfgrass Science from Penn State University before moving south and earning an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee with a focus in turfgrass weed control. Prior to joining Rutgers, Matt was a Turfgrass Extension Specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife in Dallas, TX where his research efforts explored new strategies to control problematic weeds and reduce irrigation inputs in turfgrass. His program at Rutgers will focus on novel strategies to control weeds with fewer pesticide inputs. The program will also focus on developing alternatives to synthetic pesticides and understanding the influence of management practices on weed competitiveness.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn how to control problematic weeds from this recognized specialist.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Elmore and his work!
- Annual bluegrass weevil, paclobutrazol programs tested for annual bluegrass control in fairways (Golf Course Management, April 2022)
- Weed and Disease Control Guide Wins ‘Excellence in Extension’ Award (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, December 2020)
William Errickson

William Errickson
- Agriculture & Natural Resources County Agent III, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County
- Researches sustainable management practices that reduce inputs and improve economics for the green industries
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
William Errickson, M.S. is an Extension Agent and Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources for Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County with a focus on researching and promoting sustainable management practices that reduce inputs and improve economics for the green industries. His current work involves developing and testing biological inoculants to enhance drought stress tolerance and post-drought recovery in cool season turfgrass species.
Check out these articles to learn more about William Errickson and his work!
- Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agents William Errickson and Timothy Waller Honored by Statewide Nursery and Landscape Associations (SEBS/NJAES Newsroom, January 2022)
Dr. Jennifer Grant

Dr. Jennifer Grant
- Faculty Emerita, Cornell University
- Expert on extending low-impact pest management practices for turfgrass and promoting the use of Cornell’s Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ)
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Dr. Jennifer Grant is currently Faculty Emerita at Cornell University. She worked more than three decades in the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University, serving as its Director from 2012-2020, and had a joint appointment to Cornell’s Department of Entomology. She received a Ph.D. in entomology from Cornell University, and a Masters and Bachelors degree from the University of Vermont. Grant’s specialty is researching and extending low-impact pest management practices for turfgrass. Her expertise includes management of scarab grubs and annual bluegrass weevils, and the use of entomopathogenic nematodes. Grant also promotes planting of pollinator habitat, use of Cornell’s Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ), and the Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA). She is known for her work as founder and co-leader of a long term systems experiment and extension effort on reduced risk golf course management at the Bethpage Golf Courses in Long Island, NY. Grant is also the Scientific Liaison for Global Organic Partners, a company helping golf courses to reduce their environmental impact while producing high quality playing surfaces.
Grant is co-author of multiple publications, including:
- Reducing Chemical Use on Golf Course Turf: Redefining IPM;
- Best Management Practices for New York State Golf Courses; and
- Active Ingredients Eligible for Minimum Risk Pesticide Use.
Amongst her honors, Grant received the 2020 Citation of Merit from the New York State Turfgrass Association; the Outstanding Achievements in IPM Award from the Northeastern IPM Center; and a Pollinator Protection award from Cornell University.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Grant and her work!
- A Farewell to Director Jennifer Grant (Think IPM Blog, July 2020)
Dr. Bingru Huang

Dr. Bingru Huang
- Director, Rutgers Graduate Program in Plant Biology
- Published author, award winner, and Distinguished Professor at Rutgers
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Bingru Huang is a Distinguished Professor and Ralph Geiger Endowed Chair Professor in Turfgrass Science at the Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University. Her research program focuses on understanding mechanisms of turfgrass tolerance to abiotic stress (high temperatures, drought, salinity, and cold stress) and developing effective management strategies to improve turfgrass plant health and stress tolerance.
Bingru has published over 280 referred journal articles and 25 book chapters on turfgrass stress physiology and management. She co-authored a book, Applied Turfgrass Science and Physiology, and edited a book, Plant-Environment Interactions.
She has been teaching seminars on the topic of Advanced Stress Management Strategies for Cool-season Turfgrasses for the Golf Course Superintendents Association for over 20 years. Bingru also travels worldwide for invited talks on turfgrass stress physiology in scientific seminars and discusses turfgrass stress management practices for turfgrass practitioners and managers.
Bingru’s awards include being named the recipient of the 1997 Young Crop Scientist Award of the Crop Science Society of America, Fellow of CSSA in 2004, Fellow of ASA in 2003, and Fellow of AAAS in 2011. She received the Research Excellence and Impact Award from Rutgers in 2007 and the Recognition Award and Hall of Fame from the New Jersey Turfgrass Association.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn turfgrass stress management from this internationally-recognized expert.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Huang and her work!
- Distinguished Professor Bingru Huang Leads Collaborative $4 Million UDSA-NIFA-funded Turfgrass Management Project (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, February 2022)
- Bingru Huang Creates and Serves as Editor-in-Chief of New Journal, “Grass Research” (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, February 2021)
- Faculty Focus: Distinguished Prof. Bingru Huang Works on Improving Turfgrass Stress Tolerance for China’s Growing Industry (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, August 2016)
"Before I came to study at Rutgers, I knew what to do when I came across a problem. After learning from some of the best instructors in the world, I was able to solve most of these problems before they happened. Rutgers helped me to expand my abilities to be more proactive and to think on my feet.
"What a great experience! Learning has never been more satisfying. For anyone thinking of professional turf management as a career, I highly recommend NJAES and Rutgers Turf as a first and only choice for the serious professional."
Dr. Albrecht Koppenhöfer

Dr. Albrecht Koppenhöfer
- Extension Specialist, Rutgers Department of Entomology
- Expert in integrated pest management (IPM) development and practices for turfgrass systems
- Teaches in the Three-Week Preparatory Course
Albrecht Koppenhöfer is an extension specialist and professor in the Department of Entomology at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. He works to develop and implement sustainable integrated pest management relying on little or no pesticides. The goal of his program is to develop and implement ecologically-based IPM for turfgrass systems with an emphasis on sustainability and biological control.
Currently, much of his research is directed at developing a better understanding of insecticide resistance in the annual bluegrass weevil and to develop better and more sustainable ways to manage this pest through better monitoring methods and chemical, biological, and cultural means. His research is supported by numerous awards from turfgrass industry organizations, including the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
Albrecht Koppenhöfer has had countless articles published in research journals. In addition, his work has been featured in multiple industry publications.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn how to identify and control turf insects from this IPM expert.
Check out these resources to learn more about Dr. Koppenhöfer and his work!
Steven Kristoph

Steven Kristoph
- Owner, Steven Kristoph Nursery
- Industry respected plant science expert
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Steven Kristoph owns and operates Steven Kristoph Nursery and Garden Design based in Millstone Township in Monmouth County, NJ. He grows many types of ornamental trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials for commercial and residential customers.
A member of the NJ Nursery and Landscape Association and American Rhododendron Society, Steven is highly active in the industry. In fact, he received the NJ Turfgrass Alumni Association Achievement Award in 2001 for his efforts.
A Rutgers alumni, Steven received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in plant science. Now a Rutgers adjunct professor, Steven has been our plant science instructor for over 25 years. He is passionate about plant and his enthusiasm is contagious.
Plant walks with Steven are always an adventure!

Mark Kuhns, CGCS

Mark Kuhns
- Vice President of Business Development, Turco Golf, Inc.
- Past president of the GCSAA with over 40 years of experience in the golf turf industry
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Past President of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), Mark Kuhns is a 42-year member of the industry leading organization. He worked as a Superintendent and Director of Grounds for Baltusrol Golf Club, Oakmont Country Club, Laurel Valley Golf Club, Rolling Rock Club, and Ligonier Country Club. During his decades-spanning career, Mark hosted multiple tournaments including the US Women’s Open (1992), US Open (1994), and PGA Championship (2005 and 2016), to name a few.
Passionate about the greens industry, Mark also dedicated his time and efforts as a board member, president, vice president, director, and various other titles to countless organizations including the national GCSAA, the New Jersey, Greater Pittsburgh, and Mountain & Valley chapters of the GCSA, the Pennsylvania Turfgrass Research Inc., the Environmental Institute for Golf, New Jersey Green Industry Council (NJGIC), the O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research Foundation, Rutgers Turfgrass Advisory Board, and many others!
Recognized for this lifelong commitment, Mark has received multiple awards including the Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council George Hamilton Distinguished Service Award, New Jersey Turfgrass Association Environmental Stewardship Award, GCSANJ Shaun M. Barry Distinguished Service Award, Canadian Golf Superintendent’s Association (CGSA) John B. Steele Distinguished Service Award, and most recently the 2020 GCSAA Colonel John Morley Distinguished Service Award.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn turfgrass maintenance from this award-winning, industry-leading professional.
Check out these resources to learn more about Mark Kuhns and his work!
- Mark Kuhns to receive GCSAA Distinguished Service Award (NJSGA, December 2019)
- Mark Kuhns, CGCS: Man on the move (GCM Online, September 2018)
Mark LaBarge

Mark LaBarge
- Graduate Assistant, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Conducts research aimed at increasing the sustainability of the turfgrass industry and golf course maintenance
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Mark LaBarge, B.S. is a Ph.D student in the Rutgers Plant Biology Graduate Program under Dr. Stacy Bonos. He received an undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in Environmental Science. He has worked for the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science for approximately 3 years aiding in the breeding efforts of various cool-season grass species. He also has experience working on the greens crew for two golf courses, Elmhurst Country Club in Pennsylvania and Country Club of Fairfax in Virginia. His goal in pursuing an advanced degree is to conduct research aimed at increasing the sustainability of the turfgrass industry and golf course maintenance. His current research is an Environmental and Economic Comparison of Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, and Creeping Bentgrass Fairways in the Northern Transition Zone.
Check out these resources to learn more about Mark LaBarge and his work!
Eric MacPherson
Eric MacPherson
- Graduate Assistant, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Conducts research on improving cool season grasses for shade tolerance, in particular creeping bentgrass
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Eric MacPherson is currently pursuing his PhD under Dr. Stacy Bonos in the Turfgrass Breeding Program in the Department of Plant Biology at Rutgers University. Mr. MacPherson comes to Rutgers after having spent several years working in the golf industry. While in the industry, he had the opportunity to assist in many PGA events including the 2017 President’s Cup, and the 2019 and 2021 Northern Trust, and others. His current research involves improving cool season grasses for shade tolerance, in particular creeping bentgrass.
Coming soon!
Steve McDonald

Steve McDonald
- Founder, Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC
- Industry-recognized expert in turfgrass diseases
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Steve McDonald is the founder of Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC which is an independent research and agronomic support company based in the Mid-Atlantic region. Steve has over 15 years of experience in the golf course management business, working at both private and public golf courses. Steve consults on over 100 golf courses annually.
He received a B.S in Turfgrass Management from Delaware Valley College and a M.S. in Agronomy from University of Maryland. Currently, Turfgrass Disease Solutions’ research efforts focus on plant protection, weed control, fertility, and cultural practices of fine turfgrass.
Check out these resources to learn more about Steven McDonald and his work!
- Interview with Steve McDonald (The Talking Greenkeeper, April 2022)
- Practical Turf Solutions During a Labor Crisis – Steve McDonald, Turfgrass Disease Solutions (Tyler Bloom Consulting, November 2021
- Frankly Speaking with Steve McDonald, Turfgrass Disease Solutions (TurfNet RADIO, May 2015)
Dr. William Meyer

Dr. William Meyer
- Professor Emeritus, Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science
- Leading expert in turfgrass breeding
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Dr. Meyer served as Director of the Turfgrass Breeding Project at Cook College, Rutgers University from 1996 to 2020. The previous 21 years after graduate school were spent as a commercial turfgrass breeder and corporate president in Oregon.
At Rutgers, the Turfgrass Breeding Project has population improvement projects on 9 different open-pollinated cool-season turfgrass species. These projects include running cycles of selection in single-plot progeny mowed turf trials where breeding objectives include improving disease, insect, and environmental stress tolerance. Cycles of selection also include selection of superior seed yielding germplasm in spaced-plant nurseries.
Extensive collecting from old turf areas in Europe and America are being carried out each year in all of these species along with their associated endophytes. Many of these endophytes have been shown to enhance disease, insect, and stress tolerance. When superior collections are identified, they are integrated into the Rutgers New Jersey adapted populations by using a modified backcrossing technique.
The breeding project is also doing extensive breeding work on bluegrass. Through greenhouse crossing techniques, these apomictic grasses can be hybridized to create new F1 hybrids. Another new area is interspecific crosses of Texas bluegrass with Kentucky bluegrass. Many new promising hybrids are under development.
All of the new cultivars and improved germplasm are then developed by agreements between other organizations and Rutgers University. This breeding project is the largest and most successful project of its kind on cool-season turfgrasses.
For his work, Dr. Meyer has been honored with multiple industry awards, including:
- National Association of Plant Breeders (NAPB), Impact Award, 2014
- Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Distinguished Service Award, 2007
- Honorary Lifetime Member, Oregon Seed Association, 2006
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn about agronomy and turf species from this highly-respected expert.
Check out these articles to learn more about Dr. Meyer and his work!
- Rutgers Plant Breeder William Meyer Wins Green Section Award from USGA (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, March 2020)
- Turfgrass Breeder William A. Meyer Named the First C. Reed Funk Endowed Faculty Scholar (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, June 2016)
- The Sod Sleuths (Rutgers Magazine, 2010)
"Rutgers' instructors are fantastic. They are so passionate about what they are teaching. I really appreciate that they take time out of their own businesses to train us from their real world experiences. You can't put a price on that kind of information."
Dr. James Murphy

Dr. James Murphy
- Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Management, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology; Director, Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science
- Internationally-recognized authority on best management practices for cool-season turf
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
James Murphy is the Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Management at Rutgers University. He conducts extension and research programs related to identifying best management practices for turfgrasses grown in the metropolitan region around New Jersey. His work often focuses on developing a better understanding of turfgrass response to soil-related stresses.
Before working at Rutgers, Dr. Murphy received a BS from Western Illinois University and a MS and PhD from Michigan State University.
Today, he is internationally recognized as an authority on best management practices that enhance the stress tolerance, persistence, and environmental benefits of cool-season turf. He has authored 63 peer-reviewed publications.
Dr. Murphy also provides leadership at the international, state, and local levels. In addition to his work for Rutgers, he is active in the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, International Turfgrass Society, and European Turfgrass Society. Dr. Murphy has numerous invitations to present his research at national and international conferences.
In 2014, Dr. Murphy was elected Crop Science Society of America Fellow, which is the highest recognition bestowed by the CSSA. Members of the Society nominate worthy colleagues based on their professional achievements and meritorious service.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn turf establishment and maintenance techniques from this respected researcher.
Check out these resources to learn more about Dr. Murphy and his work!
- Annual bluegrass weevil, paclobutrazol programs tested for annual bluegrass control in fairways (Golf Course Management, April 2022)
- 15 Questions with Dr. James Murphy (The Greenerside, Winter 2021-22)
- James Murphy Appointed to Ralph Geiger Chair by Rutgers University Board of Governors (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, March 2021)
- Jim Murphy Receives Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award from Crop Science Society of America (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, January 2020)
- Jim Murphy Elected 2014 Fellow of Crop Science Society of America (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, December 2014)
- HouseSmarts “Green with Envy” Episode (June 2013)
Bruce Neary

Bruce Neary
- Owner, BCN Horticultural Services
- Award-winning horticulturist
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
Bruce Neary is the owner of B.C.N. Horticultural services, where he has provided consulting services to landscape architects, contractors, developers, garden centers, nurseries, educators, and the public since 1994.
Regarded as an industry expert, Bruce has written several articles for The Landscape Publication, Grounds Maintenance Magazine, and the American Nurseryman. Likewise, he has been a horticultural lecturer at Barlow Flower Farm and for other landscape organizations for over 30 years.
Bruce is a member of the Pennsylvania and American Horticultural Societies, Metro Hort Group, and Perennial Plant Association. He received his bachelor’s degree in Agronomy from Rutgers University and earned his Masters of Agriculture in Horticultural Sciences from Texas A&M. He also received the Professional Grounds Maintenance Society Honor Award for Residential Landscapes in 1982.

Brad Park

Brad Park
- Laboratory Researcher II, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Award-winning turfgrass research technician
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program and Three-Week Preparatory Course
As a part of the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science, Brad performs traffic stress research on cool-season turfgrass species commonly established for sports fields. He routinely visits athletic facilities in New Jersey to assist turf managers in solving problems associated with high traffic sports fields. Prior to being at Rutgers, Brad was a Research Technician at the Center for Turfgrass Science at Penn State, where he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Turfgrass Science and Master of Science degree in Agronomy.
Brad is a member of the Sports Field Managers Association of New Jersey Board of Directors and was the recipient of the 2016 Recognition Award presented by the New Jersey Turfgrass Association.
Check out these resources to learn more about Brad Park and his work!
- Bradley Park – Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science Research Update
- Recent Traffic Stress Tolerance Research at Rutgers University Presentation (Sports Field Management Association, December 2020)
- Cornell Sports Turf Webinar on Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue for Sports Fields (May 2020)
Dr. Karen Plumley

Dr. Karen Plumley
- Director, Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education
- 25+ years of experience in turf sciences and specializes in soil
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Dr. Plumley currently serves as the Director of the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education (OCPE).
A Jersey girl through and through, Dr. Plumley was born, raised, and educated (mostly!) within the state. She earned her doctorate at Rutgers University in turfgrass pathology, as well as a B.S. in botany. She also holds an M.S. in forest pathology from the State University of New York-College of Forestry. She has a strong interest in education and has taught multiple undergraduate courses at Rutgers University and Brookdale Community College in leadership and/or plant science. She has given numerous lectures at conferences and educational programs across the country where she had the opportunity to stay connected with many alumni of OCPE programs and witness firsthand their impact on participants’ personal and professional development. In 2004, she was honored to be the recipient of the Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Achievement Award.
Dr. Plumley served five terms on the board of directors of the New Jersey Turfgrass Association (NJTA), the largest organization of turfgrass professionals in the state, including two terms as President. She has also served as President of the New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation (NJTF), the philanthropic arm of NJTA, coordinating fundraising efforts and overseeing industry support to build the foundation. To date, the NJTF has raised more than three million dollars and returned well over one million dollars to the Rutgers University Turfgrass Program in the form of student scholarships, fellowships, research grants, scientific equipment, and facilities support.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn the science of soils from this committed educator.
Dr. Plumley reflects on her career in turf:
I didn’t grow up playing golf, so I found turf almost by accident. As I look back over a long, fulfilling career, I can’t imagine a better way to have earned a living. Spending my days on golf courses. Talking with superintendents about their challenges. Helping them solve them. Educating the next generation of superintendents. It’s been a wonderful experience.
– dr. Karen Plumley
Ronald Ruppert

Ronald Ruppert
- Consultant, Sunridge Canyon Golf Club
- 50 + years of experience in the golf industry specializing in golf course maintenance and course development
- Teaches in the Three-Week Preparatory Course
With nearly 50 years of experience in the golf industry, Ron Ruppert is a semi-retired superintendent based in Fountain Hills, Arizona. His journey began in New Jersey as a caddie at Baltusrol, where he discovered his passion for golf course maintenance. He honed his skills at Canoe Brook, Hollywood, and Deal Golf Clubs.
Ron, along with his Rutgers classmates, relocated to Arizona to oversee the construction, opening, and maintenance of Jack Nicklaus-designed golf courses. He played a pivotal role in the development of Desert Highlands, Desert Mountain, and Las Campanas in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
After returning to Arizona, Ron supervised several additional course builds for a developer over an extended period. Currently, he resides in Fountain Hills and consults at Sunridge Canyon Golf Club, remaining actively involved in the industry.
Enroll in the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management Program to learn from award-winning and respected instructors. Building lifelong friendships and professional connections is just one of the many benefits.
Coming soon!
Dr. Stephen Souza

Dr. Stephen Souza
- Owner, Clean Waters Consulting, LLC
- Award-winning water management specialist
- Teaches in the Three-Week Preparatory Course
Dr. Stephen J. Souza is the owner of Clean Waters Consulting, LLC. He has over 35 years of project experience managing and restoring lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Dr. Souza received his B.S. from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, his M.S. from Rutgers University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Souza is the Founder of Princeton Hydro, LLC and served as the company’s President until his recent retirement from Princeton Hydro in 2019.
Dr. Souza has served as an instructor and course coordinator for the Rutgers NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education for over 25 years. He is an Adjunct Professor at Temple University and also conducts professional continuing education courses at Montclair State University.
Dr. Souza is a past president of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), as well as the Pennsylvania Lake Management Society (PALMS). He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC). Dr. Souza’s achievements include the NJ-American Water Resources Association Peter J. Homack Award (2012), the NALMS Lake Management Success Story Award (2017), and the NYS Federation of Lake Association Lake Tear of the Clouds Award (2018). He is a frequent guess speaker for the NJ Coalition of Lake Associations, as well as NJDEP, NYSDEC, and other entities dedicated to the protection, restoration, and management of water resources.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn about water management from this award winning expert.
Check out these resources to learn more about Dr. Souza and his work!
- Lake Ecology 101 Presentation (Lake Hopatcong Foundation, November 2020)
- Understanding HABs in NJ Presentation (NJ Highlands Coalition, July 2020)
- Member of the NJDEP Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Expert Team
Dr. Trent Tate

Dr. Trent Tate
- Plant Breeder, GO Seed
- Distinguished plant breeder and researcher
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Dr. Trent Tate is the Plant Breeder at GO Seed in Salem Oregon. He is currently working on researching and developing turfgrasses, forages, and cover crops. His breeding program looks to develop new varieties that utilize less inputs such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides for both the end users and producers which will provide novel solutions for growing concerns. He earned his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in Plant Biology in 2019 while also working as a Technician in the Cool-Season Turfgrass Breeding Program. He earned his master’s degree from the University of Georgia in Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics in 2012 and his Bachelors from the University of Georgia in 2009 in Environmental Resource Science.
Check out these resources to learn more about Dr. Tate and his work!
- Breeding and Evaluation of Fine Fescues for Increased Tolerance to Mesotrione Herbicide (American Society for Horticultural Science, 2021)
- Breeding fine fescues for low maintenance; understanding dollar spot resistance and increasing tolerance to mesotrione (2019)
Sabrina Tirpak

Sabrina Tirpak
- Principal Laboratory Technician, Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
- Respected authority in turfgrass diseases and pest management
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Sabrina Tirpak is the Principal Laboratory Technician at the Plant Diagnostic Lab and Nematode Detection Service at the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center at Rutgers. Working in one of the leading diagnostic labs in the country since 1998, she is highly regarded as a leader in the field of plant problem solving. As such, she is frequently called upon as a guest lecturer and invited speaker at numerous green industry functions.
After earning her BS in Plant Science from Rutgers University, Sabrina attended Clemson University for special training in nematode detection and identification.
When not working at the Plant Diagnostic Lab, Sabrina volunteers most of her time to supporting the animals of Happy Paws Rescue.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to get hands-on lab experience with this premier turf disease and insect professional.
Check out these resources to learn more about Sabrina and her work!
- Working from home (Golf Course Industry, April 2020)
- New Emerging Invasive Insect Pests in NJ Presentation (Rutgers NJAES, April 2018)
- Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory: A Resource for Plant Professionals and Home Gardeners (SEBS / NJAES Newsroom, September 2015)
Daniel Tuck

Daniel Tuck
- Field Researcher III, Rutgers Department of Plant Biology
- Teaches in the Two-Year Certificate Program
Bio coming soon!
Check out these resources to learn more about Daniel and his work!
- Mesotrione and Amicarbazone Tank-mixtures for Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) Control in Cool-season Turfgrass (HortScience, January 2022)
Rich Watson

Rich Watson
- Sales Representative, Laurel Lawnmower
- Retired groundskeeper with 25 years of experience who now works on a sales team within the turf industry
- Teaches in the Three-Week Preparatory Course
Rich Watson became a high school groundskeeper in 1988 at Overbrook High School in New Jersey. He worked and earned a position as the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for all of the Deptford Township Schools. He also owned a lawn care company, managed a municipal baseball/softball complex, and managed polo fields, putting greens, and croquet courts for a private estate on the east end of Long Island.
Rich retired after 25 years of service to the state of New Jersey and is now working on the sales team for Laurel Lawnmower. Laurel Lawnmower is located in Blackwood, NJ and is an industry leader in customer service.
Attend the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School to learn the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) from this passionate and enthusiastic expert.
Check out these resources to learn more about Rich and his work!
- The Battle of Trenton: A Debate Over Safe Playing Fields (Sports Field Management, May 2016)
- Anatomy of a Successful STMA Chapter Field Day (Sports Field Management, November 2015)
- Football Maintenance for Cool-Season High School Fields (SportsTurf, June 2014)
"Rutgers was above and beyond what I expected. I was blessed to be taught by some of the greatest professors and professionals in the golf industry. I am excited to implement all I have learned on the golf course."