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Does your organization create or utilize complex Excel spreadsheets, interactive PowerPoint presentations, or custom Access databases? Rutgers can provide customized training to enhance employees’ proficiency in these computer programs and many others. With multiple course levels to choose from, you can find the right training for all members of your team, including introductory lessons for novice users or higher level workshops for those looking to advance their existing knowledge. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
Click on each course title to read the full description.
Microsoft Access Courses
Microsoft Access Level 1
This workshop teaches employees the fundamentals of creating, using, and manipulating a database. Employees should be comfortable working with other software programs proficiently before taking this course. Employees will learn how to work in MS Access; what a field, query, and table are; how to work with toolbars; use and search the help function; create and build a new database; set up fields for tables; save tables; create auto forms; create auto reports; add additional tables to a database; print the contents of a table; change fields in already established tables; add additional data to a database; design a database; save a database; print a database; and a brief introduction to querying.
Microsoft Access Level 2
Employees must have a foundational understanding of databases before taking this course. Employees will learn how to use Access databases with Word mail merge; merge data with Word; and create form letters, labels, and envelopes. Attendees will learn how to import and export their data into and out of Excel, filter a database in Excel, take an existing Excel database and convert it to Word, sort an Excel database, use complex math functions inside an Access database using Excel, and review any needed beginner concepts.
Microsoft Excel Courses
Microsoft Excel Level 1
This workshop is for the employee who needs to learn the essentials of Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets to create and save workbooks, format text and numbers, select ranges, and move or copy data. Employees will learn to use formulas and basic functions, explore printing options for worksheets, save worksheets as PDF files, and format rows and columns.
Microsoft Excel Level 2
This workshop is for the employee who needs to learn the more advanced features of Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets to create and manage large workbooks, lock and hide rows and columns, print large worksheets, and create tables and charts.
Microsoft Excel Level 3
This workshop is for the employee who needs to produce complex Excel spreadsheets. Participants will learn how to use the complex mathematical functions in Excel, write “What If” analysis formulas, use category cell formatting, create multiple lines within a cell, change height and width of cells, make changes by right clicking, add more complex charts, use these charts in Word and PowerPoint, reference cells on other worksheets in complex formulas, format charts, change the properties of charts, and link and embed objects to their spreadsheet.
Microsoft Excel Level 4
Employees will learn how to create a template; write visual basic programming script; use complex spreadsheet functions including Goal Seek, PMT, and create macros; learn how to understand additional functions; add notes and comments on cells of worksheets; protect a worksheet; insert objects in a spreadsheet; use Word Art as an object; add hyperlinks to a spreadsheet; attach spreadsheets to email; use the MS Web site to download additional features; use the web toolbar; and use the form toolbar.
Pivot Tables
This workshop teaches participants the features of Microsoft Pivot tables. Pivot tables allow users to sort, filter, group, count, summate, and format data easily and efficiently. Attendees will learn how to use one or more tables, drill down, refresh Pivot data, sort data, group and filter data, add calculated fields and items, utilize slicers, place subtotals and grand totals, and apply layouts and styles. This course builds off of topics contained in our Excel Intro and Intermediate courses. Although not required, it is highly recommended that students have a solid foundation in Advanced Excel.
Power Query and Flash Fill
Tired of cleaning, merging, and writing formulas for the data you received? Instead, use Power Query with its Query Editor, a powerful tool for shaping and transforming data so it’s ready for your models and visualizations.
Microsoft PowerPoint Courses
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1
This workshop teaches participants the basics of computerized presentations using PowerPoint. They will learn how to start a presentation, explore what is new with PowerPoint, use the different PowerPoint views, create a title slide, save a presentation, add a slide to a presentation, create a bulleted list slide, move between slides in slide view, add a new slide with the same layout, change line spacing, print presentations, create a presentation from an outline, use outline view, and more.
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2
Participants should have functional knowledge of PowerPoint before taking this course. Employees will learn how to review a presentation in slide sorter view; change slide layout; move text; add clip art; download clip art, movies, and sound clips to a presentation; add headers and footers; add animation effects; check presentation for spelling and style; format and animate a title slide; run and animate slideshows; add hyperlinks to websites, email addresses, and network files; pack a presentation for online or offsite use; and more.
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 3
Employees will learn how to embed hyperlinks into a presentation in both text and picture links, use statistical charts (using PowerPoint with Excel), use diagram or organization charts, work with tables, use drawing with auto shapes, insert text from Word into PowerPoint, use a summary slide, and more.
Microsoft Word Courses
Microsoft Word Level 1
This workshop is for the employee that needs to learn the essentials of Microsoft Word and word processing. Employees will learn how to create, navigate, and save documents; apply character and paragraph formatting; insert symbols; and create headers and footers. They will also learn to convert documents to Word formats, adjust margins, insert pictures, manipulate and crop graphics, set page borders, work with standard and customized bullets and numbering patterns, add and delete tabs, indent paragraphs, insert page numbers and page breaks, adjust line spacing, and more.
Microsoft Word Level 2
This workshop is for the employee that needs to learn more advanced features of Microsoft Word and word processing. Participants will learn to create and apply formatting using styles, work with outlines, and create and format document sections. Employees will work with columns, insert section and column breaks, create and format tables, insert and edit diagrams, and use the drawing tools. They will also learn how to insert pull quotes, drop caps, hyperlinks, and WordArt.
Microsoft Word Level 3
This workshop is designed for students looking to produce complex Word documents. Attendees will gain a functional knowledge of Word and how to use it in conjunction with other Microsoft products, such as Excel.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Link objects to documents
- Embed objects in documents
- Work with text boxes
- Create form letters, create mailing labels, and print envelopes
- Use the mail merge functions to merge form letters with an Excel database
- Use and understand merge codes
- Create Word databases
- Make a document library for templates to be used within an organization
Students will also learn some time saving tips and shortcuts to work more quickly and efficiently, and the instructor will set aside time to answer specific questions.
Computer Programming – Microsoft Word Level 4
Participants will learn how to add hyperlinks to a document, attach Word documents to email, use the web toolbar, use the form toolbar, create an HTML document with hyperlinks, use the Microsoft website to download additional features, and turn a Word document into a web page.
Other Computer Courses
Adobe Photoshop
This workshop teaches participants the foundations of Adobe Photoshop with the image editing and enhancement graphing management features. Topics to be covered during the course include: paintbrush, airbrush, stamp, and pencil tools; applying color correction; adding soft focus effects; sharpening images; layering management techniques; adding/removing backgrounds; and converting image size.
Computer Basics
This workshop introduces employees to the Windows environment, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation concepts. Exercises focus on the most common skills that every computer user needs for proficiency.
Internet Basics – Microsoft Internet Explorer
This workshop teaches employees how to navigate the internet using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Employees will learn the difference between the internet and the intranet; explain web addresses, domains, connection speeds and why they are important; use address books; use email functions; use search engines with defined search scripts; view complex sites; use hyperlinks; and more.
Microsoft Office Version Upgrades
This workshop teaches employees elements that are new to an upgraded version or software. Exercises focus on the most common skills that each system user will need for proficiency.
Microsoft Outlook
This workshop teaches employees the essentials of Outlook. Employees will learn how to use Outlook to organize their calendar, tasks, and emails. They will also understand symbols in Microsoft Outlook; work with tools in the calendar, contacts, inbox, journal, and tasks; send emails and use email features; add appointments to the calendar; create new tasks on the task pad; use notes; and more.
Microsoft Visio
This workshop teaches participants the foundations of MS Visio and computerized graphing management. Attendees will learn how to open Visio; set up documents; use properties, page setup, document properties, and the shortcuts menu; select and format shapes; move a shape; add text; change shape size and appearance; and more.
Interested in Bringing Computer Skills Training to Your Organization?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701