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Interviewing job applicants, onboarding new employees, coordinating benefits, sorting out payroll issues…the list of an HR professional’s duties goes on and on. To succeed in their roles, these individuals are required to employ a diverse skill set in an ever-changing environment. While organizing professional development opportunities and promoting employee engagement often fall under the HR department’s purview, it is important not to forget that they themselves need training to refine existing skills and gain new competencies. We offer a variety of customizable courses for HR professionals at all levels. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
Browse Course Topics
Click on each course title to read the full description.
Compensation and Benefits
This course is designed to help managers and human resources professionals understand the importance of proper compensation to employee engagement and how to determine fair compensation and benefits for employees. The program will define terms such as salary, wages, and compensation; focus on the factors influencing compensation; and provide an overview of various benefits employees can receive.
Effective Interviewing
This program will provide essential tips and guidelines for determining the best person to fill a position. The course will cover how to keep an interview formal, grade interviewee responses, avoid asking illegal questions, and create the proper conversational balance between interviewer and interviewee. After completing this course, participants will be able to more effectively interview job candidates.
Introduction to Human Resources
This program provides participants with all of the basic knowledge needed to gain an understanding of the role and function of human resources professionals. The course will define the distinction between HR management and personnel management and cover the basic functions of human resources, including recruitment, learning and development, and ensuring legal compliance.
Learning and Development
In this course, participants will learn how to identify needs and design programs that will meet the needs of their employees. The program will discuss conducting needs assessments, the role of class in overall employee development, and the use of technology in employee class. After completing this course, participants will have a fuller understanding of how to develop their employees.
Retaining and Developing Diverse Talent
Those from underrepresented groups often face unique challenges in moving their careers forward. Facing these hurdles results in a higher likelihood to seek new opportunities. In this course, attendees will learn how to recognize and develop talented staff in order to create and retain a successful and inclusive workforce.
Retaining and Developing Diverse Talent Video Preview
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Certification Preparation
This 36-hour program will prepare participants to take either the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) or SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) exam. This preparation course is based on the SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge (BoCK). BoCK consists of behavioral competencies such as leadership and navigation, relationship management, and communication, as well as functional areas such as talent acquisition, employee engagement and retention, learning and development, total rewards, and more. These skills will prepare participants to become future HR leaders.
Note: We also offer the SHRM Certification Preparation Course as an open market offering that individual registrants can sign up for and attend. Learn more.
Talent Acquisition, Selection, and Retention
In this course, participants will gain a variety of skills related to identifying new talent, interviewing job candidates, and retaining employees from a variety of backgrounds. The program will begin with a step-by-step process for creating and advertising for a new position. An in-depth series of interviewing skills and techniques will also be covered. Finally, participants will learn key employee retention techniques, specifically those that pertain to working with four generations of employees.
Interested in Bringing Rutgers Training to Your Human Resources Team?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701