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Professional skills such as accountability, critical thinking, problem solving, and time management are the foundation for success and productivity at work. By providing training on these topics that is customized to the specific nuances of your business, you can elevate the performance of your team and foster a culture of professionalism. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
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Click on each course title to read the full description. Video previews are also included for some courses; look for the play button icon .
Both managers and individual contributors often report an apparent lack of accountability in fellow team members as one of their biggest frustrations. They also point out that holding others accountable is one of the difficult conversations required in the workplace and they desire to grow their skills in having these conversations.
Critical Thinking
This program will help participants to think through problems and obstacles in the workplace in a more effective manner. The course will begin by defining critical thinking and its importance to career success. It will also cover several cognitive biases that can prevent employees from thinking clearly. A step-by-step process to solving problems will also be discussed.
Customer Service Skills
The program begins by asking participants to assess their current customer service performance, helping them to identify potential areas of growth. This course will teach participants how to connect with customers by focusing on four key principles – service, attitude, consistency, and teamwork. These improved customer service skills will help to keep current customers and attract new ones.
Customer Service Skills Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
Empathy in Action
Employed properly, empathy is simple and yet so powerful. Many times we get this wrong because we want to fix, change, rescue, or problem solve. This workshop will help you to get it right. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of empathy, why it matters, and its benefits. In addition, they will learn strategies to employ empathy, the questions to ask, how to improve relations, and help you be a more productive team member or effective leader.
Expectation-Shattering Customer Service
In these days of self-checkout, automated phone messages, and generic mass email campaigns, it may seem like good customer service is an antiquated concept, but it is still a critical aspect of every successful business. Discover how to shatter expectations and revive great customer service by focusing on delivering an experience that exceeds expectations and turns basic customers into loyal fans.
Expectation-Shattering Customer Service Video Preview
How to Influence People
This course focuses on the fundamentals of influencing others and explores methods to help employees achieve their persuasion-based objectives. Participants will learn to use strategic thinking techniques, maintain a positive attitude, and use optimal communication techniques. By the end of this course, participants will be able to more effectively influence others in the direction of their choice.
Partner with your Boss
This course will offer techniques for becoming more productive, valuable, and effective for an organization by understanding the communication skills, conflict management skills, and collaboration skills needed to successfully work with one’s boss and co-workers. It will provide several examples and activities to help participants see where their current strengths and weaknesses in these areas are.
Partner with Your Boss Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
The Power of Positive Intelligence
Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. With Positive Intelligence, you can improve the percentage of time your mind is serving you rather than sabotaging you. Although IQ and EQ also contribute to reaching maximum potential, it is PQ that determines how much of that potential you actually achieve. PQ can be improved over time, having significant impact on your ability to lead and inspire others. Higher PQ leaders and teams perform 30-35% better on average and report being happier and less stressed. This program will help you identify, and manage, the saboteurs that keep you from becoming all that you can be.
Problem Solving
In this course, participants will gain advanced skills that will help them to identify and solve complex workplace and organizational problems. Topics include different problem-solving styles, the individual steps in the problem-solving process (such as defining the problem, developing solutions, considering the consequences, and evaluating the solution after implementation), and specific tools for the participant’s problem solving toolbox.
Problem Solving Video Preview
Professional Listening Skills
Genuine listening is a skill that can be quickly developed. More than 135 documented studies indicate that listening is a top skill needed for your personal and business success. Listening is also a prerequisite to promotability. Yet, less than 2% of the American population has had any formal education regarding the art of listening.
Are you a good listener? Is your lack of listening skills holding you back or damaging critical relationships? Attendees will learn: how to prevent your mind from wandering and develop laser-sharp focus when someone is speaking; how to improve your memory and recall during a conversation or meeting; master listening strategies, such as precision questions, paraphrasing, and silence; and understand the power of “The Steeple.”
Professional Listening Skills Video Preview
This program defines what it means to be a professional. It covers behaviors that are and are not professional, the benefits of professionalism, and the challenges to acting professionally. Specific skills taught in this course include effective use of body language, effective communication, active listening, and stress management.
Successful Networking / Working an Event
This course examines methods for improving networking skills in a variety of situations. The program begins by setting out networking guidelines for any situation, then discusses the details of networking over the phone, in-person, and electronically. The importance of following up after an initial meeting or conversation, as well as tips for making a follow-up successful, is also covered.
The Working an Event program covers these important networking skills, but specifically in an event setting.
Team Building
In this program, the participant will learn about the benefits of building functional teams in a work environment. Teamwork and its principles will be discussed, allowing the participant to develop an appreciation for the skills and knowledge necessary to build successful work teams. This course will discuss in detail: stages of team development, the benefits of teamwork, roles of individual team members, and the characteristics of high-performing teams.
Team Building Video Preview
Team Building Video Preview
Time Management
This course will help participants to identify and overcome barriers to effective time management. Attendees will learn proven time-management skills, approaches, and strategy development that will enable them to determine how much energy, resources, and task coverage is needed to complete a project or task. Participants will learn how to plan and organize their time for their personal success.
Time Management Video Preview
Interested in Bringing Professional Skills Training to Your Organization?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701