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Bias. Harassment. Discrimination. No organization can afford to have the divisive effects of these harmful and illegal behaviors impacting its employees’ ability to do their work in a safe and supportive environment. With the help of skilled Rutgers instructors, your staff can dig deep on these powerful topics and work to build a community based on diversity, inclusion, respect, and cultural competence at your organization. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
Browse Course Options
Click on each course title to read the full description. Video previews are also included for some courses; look for the play button icon .
Cultural Competency
This training will focus on building one’s cultural competency to enhance policy and practice managers’ experiences in the workplace. Learners will engage in an in-depth conversation about culture, equity, and inclusion. We will spotlight levels of cultural understanding and expand on one’s identified definition of culture.
Responding to cultural insensitivity and workplace harassment is not always clear cut. Assessing one’s cultural competency and alignment with mission, vision, and values will build strength and clarity. This course offers active steps to inclusion, identifying, and avoiding workplace harassment while raising one’s own confidence to do “this” work.
Diversity Awareness
This course is an introduction to identifying one’s cultural lens, becoming aware of unconscious bias, practicing cultural sensitivity, and building towards cross-cultural fluency. This course will provide an interactive space to increase awareness of difference, expand the definition of diversity, and explore the distinctions between affirmative action, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Tools will be discussed to provide individuals with steps they can take to prevent biased attitudes and behaviors from interfering with decisions and interactions in their work environment.
It’s About Respect – Recognizing Harassment in a Diverse Workplace
This course discusses harassment, the costs of harassment in the workplace, and harassment prevention. In the course, participants will learn to define harassment and gain an understanding of the effects of harassment on an individual. This course also covers what to do if an employee believes he or she is being treated differently than co-workers or is subject to harassment.
Leadership for an Inclusive Culture
Direct supervisors and managers have the biggest impact on their employees’ experience. The culture of an employee’s immediate group or team becomes the standard of how the entire organization is viewed. By creating a culture of inclusiveness and high engagement, employees are most likely to stay and do their best work, and the organization can activate the potential advantages of a diverse workforce.
Multigenerational Intelligence Training
For the first time in US history, there are currently 5 generations in the workplace. Learning how to foster generational harmony is essential to employee retention and building an engaged workforce. This workshop is designed to address the common sticking points where generations tend to clash as well as provide insights and effective strategies for ways that leaders can build generational harmony. This workshop should be part of your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy to help foster an inclusive and fair workplace.
In this workshop we will explore:
- The 5 generations that make up the modern workforce
- Common sticking points where generations tend to clash
- Learn what EACH generation needs to build engagement and loyalty
- Tips and best practices for bridging the gaps
- The role leaders play in building generational harmony
Respectful Workplace Communication
In this workshop, we will start by identifying the differences between respectful and disrespectful communication, which will help you increase understanding of the impact disrespectful communication has on you, your work, and others you work with. We also identify your responsibility in maintaining a respectful workplace and learn techniques for creating a more respectful work environment.
Respectful Workplace Communication Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
Retaining and Developing Diverse Talent
Those from underrepresented groups often face unique challenges in moving their careers forward. Facing these hurdles results in a higher likelihood to seek new opportunities. In this course, attendees will learn how to recognize and develop talented staff in order to create and retain a successful and inclusive workforce.
Retaining and Developing Diverse Talent Video Preview
Unconscious Bias
This course will expose participants to their unconscious biases, provide tools to adjust automatic patterns of thinking, and ultimately highlight one’s awareness of implicit bias. This will be an in-depth conversation about diversity and exclusion, to avoid discriminatory behaviors and become more knowledgeable about the laws that protect employees in the workplace.
Unconscious Bias Video Preview
Interested in Bringing Sensitivity and Diversity Training to Your Organization?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701