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Though conflict in the workplace may never be completely eliminated, the frequency and severity of conflict incidents can be significantly reduced when employees are equipped with the skills to handle them in a calm, confident, and fair manner. We offer a variety of customizable conflict resolution courses to help your staff become more adept at preventing conflicts, as well as handling conflicts and resolving issues when they arise. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
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Click on each course title to read the full description. Video previews are also included for some courses; look for the play button icon .
Managing Conflict Professionally
Conflict is found, to one degree or another, wherever people work together. When recognized and handled effectively, it can lead to more productive teams and better working relationships among colleagues. Additionally, some conflicts can be avoided, particularly those that are the result of miscommunication due to poor listening or other misunderstandings. Through discussion, exercises, and other activities, this workshop will offer participants opportunities to identify their conflict management style, discover tools which foster better communication, and outline steps to handle conflicts more effectively.
Managing Difficult Situations
This course teaches staff how to respond effectively and sensitively to resistance, charged emotions, and challenging behaviors with clients, customers, and co-workers. When staff can effectively respond to challenging situations, they are better equipped to provide the highest quality customer service. Employees are more satisfied when they have the skills and tools to respond effectively to difficult situations.
Positive Responses to Aggressive Behavior
The clients, customers, or patients at some organizations may regularly get involved in conflicts or confrontations. This course will help employees at these organizations to understand what these confrontations may look like and the main causes of conflict among customers in their workplace. Participants will learn targeted communication skills that can be used to prevent conflicts from occurring, as well as de-escalation skills to handle conflicts that arise.
Positive Responses to Aggressive Behavior Video Preview
Resolving Conflict
This program discusses the theory of conflict resolution and practical tips for addressing conflict. The course covers the main styles of conflict resolution, the definition and nature of conflict, and the goals of those in conflict. The course concludes by offering participants steps for managing conflict in a way that is fair to all parties and key skills for managing conflict.
Resolving Conflict Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
Interested in Bringing Conflict Resolution Training to Your Organization?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701