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The ability to effectively present and communicate ideas, as well as actively listen to others sharing their ideas and opinions, are critical skills for success in any organization. We offer a variety of communication and presentation skills courses to meet your staff’s training needs. Whether you are looking for a one hour seminar, a half-day workshop, a customized certificate program, virtual training, or a topic for your next staff development day, we can help!
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Click on each course title to read the full description. Video previews are also included for some courses; look for the play button icon .
Communication Styles
Knowing your communication style will put you on the path to success and help to you be more effective. This workshop will offer a glimpse into your own working and communication preferences while considering how the perception of others and team dynamics play into productivity and performance.
Communication Styles Video Preview
Communicating with Clarity
This program is designed to provide supervisors and managers with advanced communication skills that will help them to get the most out of their relationships with peers, bosses, and those who report to them. It will cover how to give effective feedback, send professional emails, use stories in persuasive speech, use communication in collaborative setting, and give presentations on short notice. At the end of the program, participants will develop an action plan to use these skills on-the-job going forward.
Crucial Conversations
The toughest conversations are the ones where the outcomes matter, there is a difference of opinion, and emotions are running high. These are the conversations that also matter the most. This program helps you to stop and plan your discussion to resolve issues without destroying relationships in both personal and work situations.
Effective Communication
Through discussions of how people communicate and why communication is important, this program presents the principles and practices of excellent communication skills within any group. Participants will discuss barriers to communication and concentrate on the benefits of good communication. Along with basic principles of communication, specific skills such as active listening will be covered.
Effective Communication Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
How to Influence People
This course focuses on the fundamentals of influencing others and explores methods to help employees achieve their persuasion-based objectives. Participants will learn to use strategic thinking techniques, maintain a positive attitude, and use optimal communication techniques. By the end of this course, participants will be able to more effectively influence others in the direction of their choice.
Presentation Skills
Effective presentation skills are needed to sell products, services, and ideas. This program will help employees develop their presentation skills and learn how to present ideas with conviction, control, and poise. Participants will learn to use both verbal and nonverbal messages, practice nonverbal impact skills, reduce nervousness, engage the attention of the listeners, and make their content clearer and more memorable.
Professional Listening Skills
Genuine listening is a skill that can be quickly developed. More than 135 documented studies indicate that listening is a top skill needed for your personal and business success. Listening is also a prerequisite to promotability. Yet, less than 2% of the American population has had any formal education regarding the art of listening.
Are you a good listener? Is your lack of listening skills holding you back or damaging critical relationships? Attendees will learn: how to prevent your mind from wandering and develop laser-sharp focus when someone is speaking; how to improve your memory and recall during a conversation or meeting; master listening strategies, such as precision questions, paraphrasing, and silence; and understand the power of “The Steeple.”
Professional Listening Skills Video Preview
Respectful Workplace Communication
In this workshop, we will start by identifying the differences between respectful and disrespectful communication, which will help you increase understanding of the impact disrespectful communication has on you, your work, and others you work with. We also identify your responsibility in maintaining a respectful workplace and learn techniques for creating a more respectful work environment.
Respectful Workplace Communication Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
Writing for Success – Professional Business Communication
This program teaches practical skills that can be utilized to produce quality business communications (letters, memos, and email messages), enhancing the professional image of participants and their organizations. In turn, employees will work more efficiently, build stronger workplace relationships, and improve job performance. The workshop will begin with a review of what types of writing those in the course currently use and what impact writing has on the workplace. Topics include, but are not limited to, basic grammar and punctuation, editing, and proofreading.
Writing for Success Video Preview
Want to see more? Watch the extended video preview of this course.
Interested in Bringing Communication and Presentation Skills Training to Your Organization?
These courses can be customized to suit the needs and initiatives of any organization.
To find out how to bring these topics — or any of our other staff training courses — to your company, please request a free consultation or contact us:
Sharon Gutterman, Assistant Director
Phone: 848-932-7701